·Paper Publications
- [1] 15.Gao,X., Zhou Ming and Ouyang Hongbing,A regulation model for the solvency of banking system,based on the pining control theory of complex network,Discrete Dynamics of Nature and Society,2017/9732678. (SCI).
- [2] 14.Qin Xie,Hongbing Ouyang* and Xiang Gao,Estimation of electricity demand in the residential buildings of China based on household survey data,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2016(30):1-6.(SCI).
- [3] 13.Yan,H. and Ouyang Hongbing*. Financial Time Series Prediction Based on Deep Learning. Wireless Personal Communications, 2018,102(2):683-700. (SCI) .
- [4] 12. Hongbing Ouyang and Yaqing Liu,The information content of charts: algorithm and evidence from Hong Kong stock market. Proceedings of fourth international conference on cooperation and promotion of information resources in science and technology. Beijing, Nov., 2009.:268-272.(EI).
- [5] 11. Hongbing, Ouyang, The information content of high, low and close prices, Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on artificial intelligence, management science and electronic commerce, Zhen Zhou, China, Aug., 2011:7368-7371. (EI).
- [6] 10. Yaqing Liu and Hongbing Ouyang, Identification and measurement of contagion effects among main markets in financial crisis, Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 2013, 29(6):1105-1116.(SCI).
- [7] 9. Yaqing Liu and Hongbing Ouyang, The information content of limit order book and short-term stock returns based on information technology, International Journal of u- and e- Service Science and Technology, 2014, 7(3):103-116.(EI).
- [8] 8. Yaqing Liu and Hongbing Ouyang, Spillover and comovement:the contagion mechanism of systemic risks between US and China stock markets, Emerging Market Finance and Trade, 2014, 50(supplement3):109-121. (SSCI).
- [9] 7. Hongbing Ouyang and Kim Y.K.,Evaluation of Korean Corporate Performance after Financial Crisis and Corporate Reconstructing. Korean Studies Forum, 2008(3):145-174..
- [10] 6. 欧阳红兵,金飞,股票价格聚集现象及其横截面决定因素研究-基于上证180指数成份股的经验分析,管理学报,2009(6):823-827..