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[11] Min Ouyang, Chuang Liu, Min Xu. Value of resilience-based solutions on critical infrastructure protection: Comparing with robustness-based solutions. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2019, 190: 106506..
[12] Hui Zhang, Min Ouyang, Shengyu Wu, Liu Hong. Simplified operation models of integrated power and gas systems for vulnerability analysis. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2019. 531:121428..
[13] Sheng Xu, Yongxiang Xia, Min Ouyang. Effect of resource allocation to the recovery of scale-free networks during cascading failures. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2019, 540:123157..
[14] Min Xu, Min Ouyang, Zijun Mao, Xiaolin Xu. Improving Repair Sequence Scheduling Methods for Post-disaster Critical Infrastructure Systems. Computer-aided civil and infrastructure engineering. 2019, 34(6): 506-522..
[15] Huaxing Zhu, Chi Zhang, Min Ouyang. Influence of overloading on the reliability and critical components of networked critical infrastructures. Quality and Reliability Engineering International. 2019, 35(2): 711-731..
[16] Min Ouyang, Feipeng Tao, Shitong Huang, Min Xu, Chi Zhang. Vulnerability mitigation of multiple spatially localized attacks on critical infrastructure systems. Computer-aided civil and infrastructure engineering, 2018, 33(7): 585-601..
[17] Min Ouyang,Min Xu, Chi Zhang, Shitong Huang. Mitigating electric power system vulnerability to worst-case spatially localized attacks, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2017,165:144-154. .
[18] Min Ouyang. A mathematical framework to optimize resilience of interdependent critical infrastructure systems under spatially localized attacks, European Journal of Operational Research,2017, 262(3):1072-1084..
[19] Sachuer Bao,Chi Zhang,Min Ouyang, Lixin Miao,An integrated tri-level model for enhancing the resilience of facilities against intentional attacks, Annals of Operations Research, 2019, 283(1-2): 87-117..
[20] Yongze Yan, Liu Hong, Xiaozheng He, Min Ouyang, Srinivas Peeta, Xueguang Chen. Pre-disaster investment decisions for strengthening the Chinese railway system under earthquake. Transportation Research Part E, 2017, 105: 39-59..