[2] T.-T. Zhuang†, Y. Pang†, ... , S.-H. Yu*, S. O. Kelley*, D. Sinton*, and E. H. Sargent*, “Copper nanocavities confine intermediates for efficient electrosynthesis of C3 alcohol fuels from carbon monoxide”, Nature Catalysis 1, 946-951, 2018. (†equal first authors. Featured on issue cover.)
上一条:[3] J. Li†, F. Che†, Y. Pang†, C. Zou†, J. Howe, T. Burdyny, J. P. Edwards, S. Cheng, Y. Wang, M. I. Saidaminov, T. Wu, Z. Finfrock, L. Ma, Z. Xie, Y. Liu, F. Li, P. De Luna, C.-T. Dinh, G. Botton, X. Du, J. Guo, T-K Sham, E. H. Sargent*, and David Sinton*, “Copper adparticle enabled selective electrosynthesis of n-propanol”, Nature communications, 9, 4614, 2019. (†equal first authors.)
下一条:[1] Y. Pang†, J. Li†, C.-S. Tan, P.-L. Hsieh, T.-T. Zhuang, Z. Liang, C. Zou, X. Wang, P. De Luna, J. P. Edwards, Y. Xu, F. Li, C.-T. Dinh, M. Zhong, L.-J. Chen, E. H. Sargent*, and D. Sinton*, “Efficient electrocatalytic conversion of carbon monoxide to propanol using fragmented copper”, Nature Catalysis 2(3), 251-258, 2019. (†equal first authors.)