[7] Y. Pang†, T. Burdyny†, C.-T. Dinh, M. G. Kibria, J. Z. Fan, M. Liu, E. H. Sargent, and David Sinton*, “Joint Tuning of Nanostructured Cu-Oxide Morphology and Local Electrolyte Programs High-Rate CO2 Reduction to C2H4”, Green Chemistry 17, 4023 – 4030, 2017. (†equal first authors.)
上一条:[8] H. Li, J. Zhong, Y. Pang, S. H. Zandavi, A. H. Persad, Y. Xu, F. Mostowfi, and D. Sinton*, “Direct visualization of fluid dynamics in sub-10 nm nanochannels”, Nanoscale 9, 9556 – 9561, 2017.
下一条:[6] J. Zhong, S. Talebi, Y. Xu, Y. Pang, F. Mostowfi, and D. Sinton*, “Fluorescence in sub-10 nm channels with an optical enhancement layer”, Lab on a Chip, 18, 568-573, 2018.