[14] Y. Pang, H. Song, and W. Cheng*, “Using optical trap to measure the refractive index of a single animal virus in culture fluid with high precision”, Biomedical Optics Express 7, 1672-1689, 2016.
上一条:[15] Y. Pang, H. Song, J. H. Kim, X. Hou, and W. Cheng*, “Optical Trapping of Individual Human Immunodeficiency Viruses in Culture Fluid Reveals Heterogeneity with Single-Molecule Resolution”, Nature Nanotechnology 9, 624-630, 2014.
下一条:[13] M. Liu†, Y. Pang†, B. Zhang†, P. De Luna†, O. Voznyy, X. Zheng, J. Xu, C. T. Dinh, F. Fan, C. Cao, F. P. García de Arquer, T. Saberi Safaei, A. Mepham, A. Klinkova, E. Kumacheva*, T. Filleter, D. Sinton*, S. O. Kelley* and E. H. Sargent*, “Enhanced CO2 Reduction Catalysts via Field-Induced Reagent Concentration,” Nature 537, 382-386, 2016. (†equal first authors.)