Jiahui Peng

·Paper Publications

Current position: 英文主页 > Scientific Research > Paper Publications
Single-shot method to study high order solitons in all-polarization-maintaining soliton mode-locked fiber lasers
Release time:2021-11-19  Hits:

Indexed by: Journal paper

Journal: Optics Express

Included Journals: SCI

DOI number: 10.1364/OE.441545

Date of Publication: 2021-11-02

Abstract: A single-shot experimental method is proposed to study non-repetitive evolutions of high order solitons. In our experiments, high order solitons are prepared in the building up process of a soliton fiber laser, and the order of high order soliton is controlled via changing the parameters of the laser. The evolution of high order soliton is recorded by the single-shot spectral measurements-time stretch dispersive Fourier transform. A 4th order soliton evolution under perturbations of gain saturation and saturable loss is studied, showing how a leading pulse wins the competition against the tailing one. Our work provides a controllable technique to study the high order solitons evolutions, which can be applied in the research of ultrafast laser amplifications and supercontinuum generations.

Links to published journals: https://www.osapublishing.org/oe/fulltext.cfm?uri=oe-29-23-38337&id=464475