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(1) 乔杰;生态补偿与民族地区乡村振兴,中国城市规划学会青年规划师年会,青年规划师演讲比赛,线上直播,2022-12-17.

(2) 乔杰;乡村研究的地方视野——基于差异化的地域调查和实践探讨,陕西省村镇建设研究中心,西安建筑科技大学北斗城乡工作室,西安,陕西,2021-4-17.

(3) 乔杰;  英国乡村发展政策与地方性空间生产——以英格兰地区为例, 广西壮族自治区国土资源厅“土地整理与村庄革新技术”赴英考察培训团, 英国, 伦敦(LSE), 2018-9-17至2018-9-21.

(4) Qiao Jie; Study on rural spatial organizaiton model based on catchment unit in central poverty stricken Mountainous area, The 2018 International Conference on China Urban Development: Urban Transformation and ‘New Style’ Urbanisation in China, Glasgow, UK, 2018-07-09至2018-07-12.

(5) Qiao Jie; Exploring the contribution of small catchment to rural planning in the poverty mountain areas of central China, Durham Geography Postgraduate Summer Seminar Series 2018, Durham, UK, 2018-7-18.

(6) Qiao Jie; Rural planning in catchment vision for pro-poor tourism: A case study of Changyang Tujia Autonomous County, China, Community’Research Symposium,Hatfield College,Durham University, Durham, UK, 2017-12-05.

(7) 乔杰;从“关系”到社会资本——论我国乡村规划的理论困境与出路,第六届金经昌青年规划师创新论坛,中国,上海市,2017-6-03至2017-6-04.

(8) 乔杰;生态与人本语境下乡村规划的层次及逻辑——基于鄂西山区的调查与实践,新时期城市发展规律与核心问题的深度研究综合论坛,中国,北京,2016-11-24.

(9) Qiao Jie; Establishing the Rural settlement Unit for Improving Spatial Development Dynamic in Poor Mountainous Area:A case study in Changyang Tujia Autonomous County ,China, The 33rd International Geographical Congress(第33届国际地理大会), Beijing, China, 2016-8-21至2016-8-24.

(10) 乔杰;乡村空间单元现象及理论思考,四校联合毕业设计学术交流报告会,昆明,云南省,2016-4-22.

(11) 乔杰;基于社会资本提升的乡村规划应对——以大别山区为例,乡村发展与乡村规划学术研讨会,中国,上海,2015-1-5.

(12) Jie QIAO; Liangping Hong; Research on improvement strategies of the state-owned mining shantytowns under the guidance of eco-society construction,A case study of Wuhan,China,The XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology(第十八届世界社会学大会),Yokohama, Japan, 2014-7-132至2014-7-19. 

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