Bin Qin*, Runxiao Zhao, Xu Liu et al., Comparison of beam optics for normal conducting and superconducting gantry beamlines applied to proton therapy, International Journal of Modern Physics A, Vol. 34 (2019) 1942015.
Release time:2020-06-30 Hits:
Pre One:Qushan Chen*, Bin Qin, Consideration of fringe field overlap of quadrupoles in a compact THz-FEL prototype, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 959 (2020) 163489
Next One:Wenjie Han, Xu Liu, Bin Qin*, Dong Li, Design considerations of a fast kicker system applied in a proton therapy beamline, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A, A 940 (2019) 199–205.