Qin Yuanqing
·Scientific Research
Current position:
Scientific Research
Research Field
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Paper Publications
MORE+- [1] 黄双.A General Real-Time Control Approach of Intrusion Response for Industrial Automation Systems.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN CYBERNETICS-SYSTEMS.2016,46(8):021-1035
- [2] 黄开兴.An Efficient Intrusion Detection Approach for Visual Sensor Networks Based on Traffic Pattern Learning.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN CYBERNETICS-SYSTEMS.2017,47(10):2704-2713
- [3] 朱钱祥.Hierarchical Flow Model-Based Impact Assessment of Cyberattacks for Critical Infrastructures.IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL.2019,13(4):3944-3955
- [4] 张琦.Multimodel-Based Incident Prediction and Risk Assessment in Dynamic Cybersecurity Protection for Industrial Control Systems.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN CYBERNETICS-SYSTEMS.2016,46(10):1429-1444
- [5] Qin Yuanqing.Dynamic model predictive control for constrained cyber-physical systems subject to actuator attacks.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE.2021,52(4):821-831
Published Books
Research Projects
MORE+- [1] ZHM控制系统适性性改进及调试, Projects commissioned by enterprises and institutes, 2024-03-01, 在研
- [2] 智能驾控台生产及试验, Enterprises and institutions shall entrust scientific and technological projects, 2023-07-01-2023-09-01, 在研
- [3] 车载网管交换机网络安全防御模块研发, Projects commissioned by enterprises and institutes-2021-06-30, 结题
- [4] 信息安全评测软件工具, Projects commissioned by enterprises and institutes-2017-07-30, 结题
- [5] 水面监控及艇载航行控制设备研制, Enterprises and institutions shall entrust scientific and technological projects-2021-12-01, 结题