45) W.J. He, H.T. Zhang*, Z.Y. Chen, B. Chu, K. Cao, B. Shan, and R. Chen*, “Generalized Predictive Control of Temperature on an Atomic Layer Deposition Reactor”, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 23(6) (2015) 2408-2415
上一条:46) X. Liu, Y.W. Wen*, Z.Z. Chen, B. Shan, and R. Chen*, “First-principles study of the sodium adsorption and diffusion on phosphorene”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17 (2015) 16398
下一条:44) C.L. Duan, X. Liu, B. Shan*, and R. Chen*, “Fluidized bed coupled rotary reactor for nanoparticles coating via atomic layer deposition”, Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 86 (2015) 075101