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Parametric amplification induced giant nonreciprocal unconventional photon blockade in a single microring resonator.Da-Wei Liu, Kai-Wei Huang, Ying Wu, and Liu-Gang Si*, Appl. Phys. Lett. 123(6), 061103 (2023).
Parametric-amplification-induced nonreciprocal magnon laser.Kai-Wei Huang, Ying Wu, and Liu-Gang Si*, Opt. Lett. 47(13), 3311 (2022).
Topological amplification and frequency conversion in a photonic lattice with a two-photon driving.Ling-Xia Guo, Liang-Liang Wan*, Liu-Gang Si, and Ying Wu, Phys. Rev. A 108(1), 013512 (2023).
Optomechanically induced opacity and amplification in a quadratically coupled optomechanical system.Liu-Gang Si*, Hao Xiong, M. Suhail Zubairy, and Ying Wu*, Phys. Rev. A 95(3), 033803 (2017).
Tunable high-order-sideband generation and carrier-envelope-phase–dependent effects via microwave fields in hybrid electro-optomechanical systems.Liu-Gang Si*, Ling-Xia Guo, Hao Xiong, and Ying Wu*, Phys. Rev. A 97(2), 023805 (2018).