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教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
2018 湖北省科技进步二等奖(排名第一),基于病种管理的综合医院医疗质量及服务利用效率评价
2014 华中科技大学大学生科技创新活动优秀指导教师
2014 指导学生论文获湖北省年、优秀本科生论文二等奖
2012 华中科技大学大学生科技创新活动优秀指导教师
2005 指导学生论文获湖北省年、优秀本科生论文二等奖
2006 华中科技大学“优秀青年教工”
2008 卫生部支援西部地区农村卫生工作优秀个人
2009 华中科技大学“师德先进个人”
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- [22] Xiaojun Lin, Miao Cai, Hongbing Tao*, et al. Insurance status, in-hospital mortality and length of stay in hospitalized patients in Shanxi, China: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 2017,7(7):1-10..
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- [24] Zhaohui Cheng, Miao Cai, Hongbing Tao*, et al. The efficiency and productivity measurement of rural township hospitals in China: a bootstrapping data envelopment analysis. BMJ Open. 2016; 6: e011911..
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- [27] Qin Shu, Miao Cai, Hongbing Tao*, Zhao-hui Cheng, Jing Chen, Yin-huan Hu, Gang Li. What does a Hospital Survey on Patient Safety reveal about patient safety culture of surgical units compared with that of other units? [J]. Medicine, 2015, 94(27): e1074..
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- [29] Jia T, Hongbing Tao*, Qin K, et al. Selecting the optimal healthcare centers with a modified P-median model: a visual analytic perspective[J]. International journal of health geographics, 2014, 13(1): 42..
- [30] 郭海斌, 陶红兵*.区块链技术在电子健康档案中的应用与存在的问题[J].中华医学图书情报杂志,2020,29(03):43-46..