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学科:模式识别与智能系统- [31] Kunqian Li, Wenbing Tao*, Xiaobai Liu, Liman Liu, Iterative Image Segmentation with Feature Driven Heuristic Four-Color Labeling, Pattern Recognition, 76 (2018) 69-79.
- [32] Liman Liu, Wenbing Tao*, Image Segmentation by Iteratively Optimization of Multiphase Multiple Piecewise Constant Model and Four-Color Relabeling, Pattern Recognition, vol. 44(12), pp.2819-2833, 2011..
- [33] Shoudong Han, Wenbing Tao*, Xianglin Wu, "Texture Segmentation using Independent-scale Component-wise Riemannian-covariance Gaussian Mixture Model in KL Measure based Multi-Scale Nonlinear Structure Tensor Space, Pattern Recognition, vol. 44(3), pp. 503-518, 2011..
- [34] Wenbing Tao*, Feng Chang, Liman Liu, Hai Jin, Tianjiang Wang, "Interactively Multiple Scenes Segmentation based on Variational Formulation and Graph Cuts", Pattern Recognition. Vol. 43, no.10, Oct. 2010, pp 3208-3218..
- [35] Wenbing Tao*, Hai Jin, Yimin Zhang. Color Image Segmentation Based on Mean Shift and Graph Cuts. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part B-Cybernetics. vol. 37, no.5, pp 1382-1389, Oct., 2007..
- [36] Wenbing Tao*, Hai Jin, Yimin Zhang, Liman Liu, Desheng Wang. Image Thresholding Using Graph Cuts. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part A-Systems and Humans[regular paper]. v.38, no.5, pp1181-1195, Sep. 2008..
- [37] Kun Sun, Wenbing Tao*, Center-Driven Image Set Partition Algorithm for Efficient Structure from Motion, Information Sciences, 479(5):101-115, 2019. .
- [38] Kai Chen, Wenbing Tao*, Shoudong Han, Visual Object Tracking via Enhanced Structural Correlation Filter, Information Sciences. Vol, 394-395, pp 232-245, July 2017..
- [39] Liman Liu, Wenbing Tao*, Haihua Liu, Complementary saliency driven co-segmentation with region searching and Hierarchical constraint, Information Sciences, vol.372, pp.72–83, Dec.2016..
- [40] Kun Sun, Peiran Li, Wenbing Tao*, Yuanyan Tang, Feature Guided Biased Gaussian Mixture Model for image matching, Information Sciences, 295(20): 323-336, 2015. .