·Paper Publications
Indexed by: Journal paper
First Author: 钱航
Correspondence Author: TONG HAO
Co-author: 缪向水,徐明,周凌珺,季宏凯,何明泽,TONG HAO
Affiliation of Author(s): 华中科技大学
Discipline: Engineering
First-Level Discipline: Electronic Science And Technology
Document Type: J
Volume: 8
DOI number: 10.1038/s41598-017-18964-w
Date of Publication: 4343-12-01
Abstract: The tunable disorder of vacancies upon annealing is an important character of crystalline phase-change material Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST). A variety of resistance states caused by dierent degrees of disorder can lead to the development of multilevel memory devices, which could bring a revolution to the memory industry by signicantly increasing the storage density and inspiring the neuromorphic computing. This work focuses on the study of disorder-induced carrier localization which could result in multiple resistance levels of crystalline GST. To analyze the eect of carrier localization on multiple resistant levels, the intrinsic eld eect (the change in surface conductance with an applied transverse electric eld) of crystalline GST was measured, in which GST lms were annealed at dierent temperatures. The eld eect measurement is an important complement to conventional transport measurement techniques. The eld eect mobility was acquired and showed temperature activation, a hallmark of carrier localization. Based on the relationship between eld eect mobility and annealing temperature, we demonstrate that the annealing shifts the mobility edge towards the valence-band edge, delocalizing more carriers. The insight of carrier transport in multilevel crystalline states is of fundamental relevance for the development of multilevel phase change data storage.
Links to published journals: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-18964-w