Liangcheng Tu
·Paper Publications
018 Ji Fan, Tao Zhu, Wen-Jie Wu, Shi-Hao Tang, Jin-Quan Liu and Liang-Cheng Tu*, Low temperature photosensitive polyimide based insulating layer formation for microelectromechanical systems applications. Journal of Electronic Materials, 44 (2015) 4891-4897 (7pages)
Release time:2019-03-16  Hits:
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019 Jin-Quan Liu , Chao Wang , Tao Zhu , Wen-Jie Wu , Ji Fan and Liang-Cheng Tu*, Low temperature fabrication and doping concentration analysis of Au/Sb Ohmic contacts to n-type Si, AIP Advances, 5 (2015) 117112
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017 Ji Fan, Wen-Ting Zhang, Jin-Quan Liu, Wen-Jie Wu, Tao Zhu and Liang-Cheng Tu*, Fabrication of high aspect ratio structure and its releasing for silicon on insulator MEMS/MOEMS device application. J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS 14(2015) 024502 (6pages)