

Personal information

副教授     博士生导师     硕士生导师









  • 教育经历

    2000. 9~2004. 9  华中科技大学电子与信息工程系 本科电信与计算机双专业班

    2004. 9~2011. 12  华中科技大学电子与信息工程系 硕博连读,导师朱光喜



    2008. 9~2009. 9  加拿大多伦多大学 电子与计算机工程系 国家公派联合培养一年 导师李葆春(IEEE Fellow,国际知名教授)



    2012. 03~2014. 07 北京大学信息科技技术学院博士后

    2014. 08~2016. 11 华中科技大学计算机学院研究员

    2016. 12~至今 华中科技大学计算机学院副教授



    1. 主持项目

    l      国家自然科学基金青年基金:基于身份的无碰撞批密及其用研究。

    l      国家博士后基金一等支助项目(2013M540019):可信的IPTV播控资源优化技术研究。(已结题)

    2. 参与项目

    l   国家重点研发计划网络空间安全重点专项项目:面向互联网+的云服务系统安全防护技术

    l   华中科技大学自主创新基金:基于张量的大数据统一表示与高效分析方法。

    l   科技部973项目:可重构信息通信基础网络体系研究。

     l   国家自然科学基金:基于网络编码理论的分布式路由与交换结构的研究


    20187月任 IEEE Blockchain-2018论坛宣传主席,加拿大,Halifax

    201512月任 IEEE SmartCity 2015论坛主席,成都;

    20146月任 IEEE ICC 2014分会主席,澳大利亚,悉尼。

    担任Security and Communication NetworksWiley)特别期刊编辑,Journal of Network and Computer ApplicationsElsvier)、IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multiscale Communications国际顶级SCI学术期刊审稿人。



    1.      Wei Wang, Peng Xu, Laurence Tianruo Yang, Willy. Susilo and Jinjun Chen. Securely Reinforcing Synchronization for Embedded Online Contests. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, vol. 16(2), 2017, pp: 58:1-58:21. (华中科技大学A类期刊)

    2.      Wei Wang, Peng Xu, Laurence Tianruo Yang and Jinjun Chen. Cloud-Assisted Key Distribution in Batch for Secure Real-time Mobile Services. IEEE Transactions on Service Computing, vol. 11(5), 2018, pp. 850-863. (中科院JCR排名1

    3.      Wei Wang, Peng Xu, Laurence Tianruo Yang and Hui Li. A Design for Cloud-assisted Fair-play Management System of Online Contests with Provable Security. Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 52, 2015, pp. 137-146. (华中科技大学A类期刊)

    4.      W. Wang, Peng Xu, Hui Li and Laurence Tianruo Yang, Secure Hybrid-Indexed Search for High Efficiency over Keyword Searchable Ciphertexts. Future Generation Computer Systems (Impact Factor: 2.639), vol. 55, 2016, pp. 353-361. (华中科技大学A类期刊)

    5.      Wei Wang, Peng Xu, Laurence Tianruo Yang. Secure Data Collection, Storage and Access in Cloud-Assisted IoT. IEEE Cloud Computing, vol. 5(4), 2018, pp. 77-88.

    6.      Xiaokang Wang, Wei Wang (通讯作者), Laurence Tianruo Yang, Siwei Liao and Dexiang. Yin. A Distributed HOSVD Method with Its Incremental Computation for Cyber Physical Social Data. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 5 (2)2018 , pp:481-492. (华中科技大学A类期刊)

    7.      Jun Feng, Laurence T. Yang, Guohui Dai, Wei Wang, and Deqing Zou. A Secure Higher-Order Lanczos-Based Orthogonal Tensor SVD for Big Data Reduction. IEEE Transactions on Big Data, DOI: 10.1109/TBDATA.2018.2803841

    8.      Peng Xu, Shuanghong He, Wei Wang, Willy Susilo, Hai Jin, Lightweight Searchable Public-key Encryption for Cloud-assisted Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, DOI: 10.1109/TII.2017.2784395

    9.      Peng Xu, Xiaolan Tang, Wei Wang, Hai Jin, Laurance T. Yang, Fast and Parallel Keyword Search over Public-Key Ciphertexts for Cloud-Assisted IoT, IEEE ACCESS, 5(1), pp: 247:75-247:84, 2017. (中科院JCR排名1

    10.   Peng Xu, Shuai Liang, Wei Wang, Willy Susilo, Qianhong Wu, Hai Jin, Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption with Physical Deletion and Small Leakage,  ACISP 2017, pp: 207-226. (Best Paper Award, 中国计算机学会划定的C类会议)

    11.   Wei Wang, Peng Xu, Laurence Tianruo Yang, One-Pass Anonymous Key Distribution in Batch for Secure Real-Time Mobile Services, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Mobile Services, pp: 158-165, 2015.  

    12.   W. Wang, P. Xu, H. Li, L.T. Yang, A Secure Synchronized Reading System over Time-Critical Online Contests. ICC2014, Sydney, Australia. (中国计算机学会划定的C类会议)

    13.   Peng Xu, Jingnan Li, Wei Wang, Hai Jin, Anonymous Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption with Constant Decryption Complexity and Strong Security, ASIACCS 2016. (Full Paper,中国计算机学会划定的C类会议)

    14.   Peng Xu, Jun Xu, Wei Wang, Hai Jin, Willy Susilo, Deqing Zou, Generally Hybrid Proxy Re-Encryption: A Secure Data Sharing among Cryptographic Clouds, ASIACCS 2016. (Short Paper,中国计算机学会划定的C类会议)

    15.   Peng Xu, Qianhong Wu, Wei Wang, Willy Susilo, Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Hai Jin, Generating Searchable Public-Key Ciphertexts with Hidden Structures for Fast Keyword Search, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 10(9), 2015, pp: 1993-2006. (中国计算机学会划定的A类期刊)

    16.   Peng Xu, T. Jiao, Q. Wu and Wei Wang. Conditional Identity-based Broadcast Proxy Re-Encryption and Its Application to Cloud Email. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 65(1), 2016, pp: 66-79, 2016.  (中国计算机学会划定的A类期刊)

    17.   C. Liu, L. Yu, W. Zhu, S. Hua, W. Wang, Bandwidth Efficient and Rate Adaptive Video Delivery in TV White Space, IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 24, 2014, pp: 1605-1619. (华中科技大学A类期刊)

    18.   P. Xu, H. Jin, Q. Wu, W. Wang, Public-key encryption with fuzzy keyword search: a provably secure scheme under keyword guessing attack, IEEE Transaction on Computers, vol. 62, 2013, pp: 2266-2277.  (中国计算机学会划定的A类期刊)

    19.   Wei Wang, Li Yu, Guangxi Zhu and Hui Li, Coding-driven Scheduling for Frame-based Multicast Switches. NetCod2011, Beijing.

    20.   Wei Cheng, Li Yu, Fei Xiong, Wei Wang, Trusted Network Coding in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Globecom2010, Miami, USA.

    21.   Wei Wang, Baochun Li, Li Yu, Achievable Throughput of Multiple Access Spectrum Systems Based on Cognitive Relay. CoRoNet 2009 (Mobicom Workshop).

    22.   Wei Wang, Li Yu, Guangxi Zhu and Rui Dai. A Novel Approach in Network Coding Based on Shuffle Coding. ISPACS 2007, Xiamen.

    23.   Wei Cheng, Li Yu, Wei Wang, Fei Xiong. A practical Network Coding Approach for Multicast Packet Switching. GIIS2009, Hammamet, Tunisia.

    24.   《云数据安全》,徐鹏、林璟锵、金海、王蔚、王琼霄,ISBN(书号):978-7-111-60509-6,机械工业出版社,2018

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