王靖宇,女,1982年11月生,华中科技大学教授、博士生导师,入选国家优青、湖北省楚天学者计划、华中卓越学者计划。2007年获得武汉大学博士学位,2007-2014年在哈尔滨工业大学工作,2011-2012美国芝加哥大学访问学者,2014年入职华中科技大学化学与化工学院。主要从事环境与能源光/电催化领域的研究,包括环境污染物净化与废弃物资源化、二氧化碳捕集与转化、太阳能与燃料电池系统的能源小分子转化等。近年来主持国家自然科学基金优青/面上/青年项目、高校博士点专项基金、湖北省自然科学基金面上项目等科研项目。以第一或通讯作者在Nat. Commun.、Appl. Catal. B-Environ.、Adv. Funct. Mater.等期刊发表SCI论文50余篇,其中4篇入选ESI高被引论文,授权中国发明专利5件,出版《固体材料常用表征技术》。担任Front. Environ. Chem.期刊副主编,Chin. Chem. Lett. (中国化学快报) 青年编委,ChemSusChem与ChemistryOpen专辑客座编辑。
Yajuan Ma, Xiaoxuan Yi, Shaolei Wang, Tao Li, Bien Tan, Chuncheng Chen, Tetsuro Majima, Eric R. Waclawik, Huaiyong Zhu, Jingyu Wang*. Selective photocatalytic CO2 reduction in aerobic environment by microporous Pd-porphyrin-based polymers coated hollow TiO2. Nature Communications, 2022, 13, 1400 (1-10).
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-29102-0.ESI高被引论文Can Wu, Qian Tang, Sushu Zhang, Kangle Lv, Xolile Fuku, Jingyu Wang*. Surface Modification of TiO2 by Hyper-Cross-Linked Polymers for Efficient Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic NO Oxidation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15(25), 30127–30138. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.3c03156.
Le Shen, Zemei Wang, Qi Gong, Yanrong Zhang, Jingyu Wang*. Photocatalytic Synthesis of Ultrafine Pt Electrocatalysts with High Stability Using TiO2 Decorated N-Doped Carbon as Composite Support. ChemSusChem, 2023, 202300393. https://doi.org/10.1002/cssc.202300393.
Zhongjie Cai, Xiantao Hu, Zhong’an Li, Huijie He, Tao Li, Hong Yuan*, Yanrong Zhang, Bien Tan*, Jingyu Wang*. Hypercrosslinking porous polymer layers on TiO2-graphene photocatalyst: Enhanced adsorption of water pollutants for efficient degradation. Water Research, 2022, 227, 119341 (1-12).
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2022.119341.Zhen Zhan, Heng Wang, Qi Huang, Shuqing Li, Xiaoxuan Yi, Qian Tang, Jingyu Wang*, Bien Tan*. Grafting Hypercrosslinked Polymers on TiO2 Surface for Anchoring Ultrafine Pd Nanoparticles: Dramatically Enhanced Efficiency and Selectivity toward Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2 to CH4. Small, 2022, 18, 2105083 (1-10).
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/smll.202105083.Na Wang, Yonglei Liu, Can Wu, Siwei Li*, Bojing Sun, Ziqiu Ren, XiaoXuan Yi, Xijiang Han, Yunchen Du*, Jingyu Wang*. SnO2 shells-induced rich Co2+ sites and oxygen vacancies in FexCo3-xO4 nanocubes: Enhanced peroxymonosulfate activation performance for water remediation. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 439 (1) 135682. 10.1016/j.cej.2022.135682.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1385894722011822Xiantao Hu, Zhanjun Xie, Qian Tang, Heng Wang, Lianbin Zhang*, Jingyu Wang*. Enhanced CH4 yields by interfacial heating-induced hot water steam during photocatalytic CO2 reduction. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2021, 298(5), 120635 (1-8). 10.1016/j.apcatb.2021.120635.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0926337321007608.Chengkai Xia, Heng Wang, Jung Kyu Kim*, Jingyu Wang*. Rational Design of Metal Oxide-Based Heterostructure for Efficient Photocatalytic and Photoelectrochemical Systems. Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31(12), 2008247. Hot Topic: Surfaces and Interfaces
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adfm.202008247.Qian Tang, Yajuan Ma, Jingyu Wang*. The Active Sites Engineering of Catalysts for CO2 Activation and Conversion. Solar RRL, 2021, 5(2), 2000443 (1-26). https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/solr.202000443.
Yajuan Ma, Qian Tang, Wei-Yin Sun, Zhao-Yu Yao, Wenhua Zhu, Tao Li, Jingyu Wang*. Assembling ultrafine TiO2 nanoparticles on UiO-66 octahedrons to promote selective photocatalytic conversion of CO2 to CH4 at a low concentration. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 270, 118856 (1-9). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apcatb.2020.118856.
Heng Wang, Qian Tang, Zhen Chen, Tao Li, Jingyu Wang*. Recent advances on silica-based nanostructures in photocatalysis. Science China Materials, 2020, 63 (11), 2189–2205.
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40843-020-1381-y.Zemei Wang, Junchen Yu, Ping Xu, Bien Tan, Jingyu Wang*. Embedding activated carbon nanospheres into polymer-derived porous carbon networks to boost electrocatalytic oxygen reduction. Chemical Communications, 2020, 56 (68), 9791-9794 ChemComm HOT article.
https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2020/CC/D0CC03253K#!divAbstractDan Li, Huaifang Fang, Junchen Yu, Min Xu, Tao Li*, Jingyu Wang*. Porous carbon supported PtPd alloy nanoparticles derived from N-heterocyclic carbene bimetal complex as efficient bifunctional electrocatalysts. Electrochimica Acta, 2020, 337, 135855 (1-10). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2020.135855.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0013468620302474?via%3Dihub.Heng Wang, Xiantao Hu, Yajuan Ma, Dajian Zhu, Tao Li, Jingyu Wang*. Nitrate-group-grafting-induced assembly of rutile TiO2 nanobundles for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2020, 41(1), 95–102.
Shaolei Wang, Min Xu, Tianyou Peng, Chengxin Zhang, Tao Li, Irshad Hussain, Jingyu Wang*, Bien Tan*. Porous hypercrosslinked polymer-TiO2-graphene composite photocatalysts for visible-light-driven CO2 conversion. Nature Communications, 2019, 10, 676 (1-10). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-08651-x. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-08651-xESI高被引论文
Jingyu Wang*, Min Xu, Jianquan Zhao, Huaifang Fang, Qingzhu Huang, Weiping Xiao, Tao Li*, Deli Wang*. Anchoring ultrafine Pt electrocatalysts on TiO2-C via photochemical strategy to enhance the stability and efficiency for oxygen reduction reaction. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2018, 237, 228–236. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0926337318305174
Juan Yang, Min Xu, Jingyu Wang*, Shangbin Jin*, Bien Tan. A Facile Approach to Prepare Multiple Heteroatom-Doped Carbon Materials from Imine-Linked Porous Organic Polymers. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8, 4200 (1-11) .
Zili Xu, Chuansheng Zhuang, Zhijuan Zou, Jingyu Wang*, Xiaochan Xu, Tianyou Peng*. Enhanced photocatalytic activity by construction of a TiO2/carbon nitride nanosheets heterostructure with high surface area via direct interfacial assembly. Nano Research, 2017, 10(7): 2193–2209. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12274-017-1453-2. 封面文章
Zening Liu, Yongcheng Liu, Piaopiao Xu, Zhonghua Ma, Jingyu Wang*, Hong Yuan*. Rational Design of Wide Spectral Responsive Heterostructures of Au Nanorods Coupled Ag3PO4 with Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(24): 20620–20629. http://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsami.7b06824.
Jianglong He, Yanzhen He, Yanan Fan, Bin Zhang, Yunchen Du, Jingyu Wang*, Ping Xu*. Conjugated polymer-mediated synthesis of nitrogen-doped carbon nanoribbons for oxygen reduction reaction. Carbon, 2017, 124, 630–636. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0008622317308461.
Yajuan Ma, Zemei Wang, Xiaofeng Xu, Jingyu Wang*. Review on porous nanomaterials for adsorption and photocatalytic conversion of CO2. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2017, 38(12), 1956–1969. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1872206717629553.
Jian Chen, Xiaochan Xu, Tao Li*, Kannusamy Pandiselvi, Jingyu Wang*. Toward High Performance 2D/2D Hybrid Photocatalyst by Electrostatic Assembly of Rationally Modified Carbon Nitride on Reduced Graphene Oxide. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 37318 (1-13).
Kannusamy Pandiselvi, Huaifang Fang, Xiubo Huang, Jingyu Wang*, Xiaochan Xu, Tao Li. Constructing a novel carbon nitride/polyaniline/ZnO ternary heterostructure with enhanced photocatalytic performance using exfoliated carbon nitride nanosheets as supports. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 314, 67-77. ESI高被引论文
Kunpeng Song, Zhijuan Zou, Deli Wang, Bien Tan, Jingyu Wang*, Jian Chen, and Tao Li*, Microporous Organic Polymers Derived Microporous Carbon Supported Pd Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction: Impact of Framework and Heteroatom, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016, 120, 2187−2197.
Xuefeng Li, Hao Ren, Zhijuan Zou, Jiaojiao Sun, Jingyu Wang*, Zhihong Liu*, Energy gap engineering of polymeric carbon nitride nanosheets for matching with NaYF4:Yb,Tm: enhanced visible-near infrared photocatalytic activity. Chemical Communications, 2016, 52(3), 453-456. 封面文章
Kunpeng Song,Peng Liu,Jingyu Wang,Bien Tan*,Tao Li*,Highly active palladium nanoparticles immobilized on knitting microporous organic polymers as efficient catalysts for Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reaction,Journal of Porous Materials,2016,23(3), 725-731.
Ali Jawad,Yibing Li,Lianshuang Guo,Aimal Khan,Zhuqi Chen,Jingyu Wang,Jiakuan Yang,Weidong Liu,Guochuan Yin*,Bimetallic synergistic degradation of chlorophenols by CuCoOx-LDH catalyst in bicarbonate-activated hydrogen peroxide system,RSC Advances,2016,6(76), 72643-72653.
Hao Cheng, Xiaoli Feng, Deli Wang, Min Xu, Kannusamy Pandiselvi, Jingyu Wang*, Zhijuan Zou, Tao Li*, Synthesis of highly stable and methanol-tolerant electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction: Co supporting on N-doped-C hybridized TiO2. Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 180, 564–573.
Jingyu Wang*, Yizhi Zhao, Xiaochan Xu, Xiaoli Feng, Junxia Yu, Tao Li*, A facile interfacial assembling strategy for synthesizing yellow TiO2 flakes with a narrowed bandgap. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 58176–58183.
Zhijuan Zou, Hao Cheng, Jingyu Wang*, Xijiang Han*, Pyrolyzed titanium dioxide/polyaniline as an efficient non-noble metal electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2015, 36(3), 414-424.
Kunpeng Song,Peng Liu,Jingyu Wang,Lei Pang,Jian Chen,Irshad Hussain,Bien Tan*,Tao Li*,Controlled synthesis of uniform palladium nanoparticles on novel micro-porous carbon as a recyclable heterogeneous catalyst for the Heck reaction,Dalton Transactions,2015,44(31), 13906~13913.
Liuan Gu, Jingyu Wang*, Zhijuan Zou, Xijiang Han*. Graphitic-C3N4-hybridized TiO2 nanosheets with reactive 001 facets to enhance the UV- and visible-light photocatalytic activity. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 268, 216–223. ESI高被引论文
Cheng Hao,Jingyu Wang*,Yizhi Zhao,Xijian Han*,Effect of phase composition, morphology, and specific surface area on the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanomaterials. RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 47031.
Liya Hu, Jingyu Wang*, Jianxiong Zhang, Qiuyan Zhang, Zhihong Liu*,N-doped Anatase/Rutile TiO2 Hybrid by Low-Temperature Direct Nitridization: Enhanced Photoactivity under UV-/Visible- Light. RSC Advances, 2014, 4(1), 420-427.
Xuandong Li,Meirong Kang,Xijiang Han,Jingyu Wang, Ping Xu,Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of Titanium Dioxide: Modification with Graphene Oxide and Reduced Graphene Oxide,Chemistry Letters,2014,43(6), 871-873.
Liuan Gu,Jingyu Wang*,Hao Cheng,Yizhi Zhao,Lifei Liu,Xijiang Han*, One-step preparation of graphene supported anatase TiO2 with exposed 001 facets and mechanism of enhanced photocatalytic property. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2013, 5(8), 3085–3093. ESI高被引论文
Qiwen Yan,Jingyu Wang*,Xijiang Han,Zhihong Liu*. Soft-chemical method for fabrication of SnO–TiO2 nanocomposites with enhanced photocatalytic activity. Journal of Materials Research, 2013, 28(13), 1862-1869.
Liuan Gu,Jingyu Wang*,Hao Cheng,Yunchen Du,Xijiang Han*. Synthesis of nano-sized anatase TiO2 with reactive 001 facets using lamellar protonated titanate as precursor. Chemical Communications, 2012, 48 (55), 6978-6980.
Liuan Gu,Jingyu Wang *,Rong Qi,Xiaoyu Wang,Ping Xu,Xijiang Han*. A novel incorporating style of polyaniline/TiO2 composites as effective visible photocatalysts. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A-Chemical, 2012, 357, 19-25.
Yunchen Du, Tao Liu, Bin Yu, Haibin Gao, Ping Xu, Jingyu Wang, Xiaohong Wang, Xijiang Han. The electromagnetic properties and microwave absorption of mesoporous carbon. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2012, 135, 884-891.
Dan Su,Jingyu Wang*,Yupan Tang,Cheng Liu,Lifei Liu,Xijiang Han. Constructing WO3/TiO2 composite structure towards sufficient use of solar energy. Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, 4231-4233.
Donghua Zhou,Yanhai Li,Jingyu Wang*, Ping Xu,Xijiang Han. Synthesis of polyaniline nanofibers with high electrical conductivity from CTAB–SDBS mixed surfactants. Materials Letters, 2011, 65, 3601-3604.
Jingyu Wang*,Xijiang Han,Cheng Liu,Wei Zhang,Ruxiu Cai,Zhihong Liu*, Adjusting the Crystal Phase and Morphology of Titania via a Soft Chemical Process. Crystal Growth & Design, 2010, 10, 2185-2191.
Jingyu Wang*, Xijiang Han, Wei Zhang, Zhike He, Liu, Zhihong*, Controlled growth of monocrystalline rutile nanoshuttles in anatase TiO2 particles under mild condition. CrystEngComm, 2009, 11, 564-566.
Jingyu Wang*, Hongtao Zhao, Xinrong Liu, Xuandong Li, Ping Xu, Han, Xijiang*,Formation of Ag nanoparticles on water-soluble anatase TiO2 clusters and the activation of photocatalysis. Catalysis Communications, 2009, 10, 1052-1056.
Jingyu Wang, Zhihong Liu*, Ruxiu Cai. A new role for Fe3+ in TiO2 hydrosol: Accelerated photodegradation of dyes under visible light. Environmental Science & Technology, 2008, 42, 5759-5764.
Jingyu Wang, Zhihong Liu*, Zhike He, Ruxiu Cai. Preparation of nanosized anatase TiO2 and its composites at low temperature. Progress in Chemistry(化学进展), 2007, 19, 1495-1503 .
Jingyu Wang, Zhihong Liu*, Qi Zheng, Zhike He, Ruxiu Cai. Preparation of photosensitized nanocrystalline TiO2 hydrosol by nanosized CdS at low temperature. Nanotechnology, 2006, 17, 4561-4566.
Jingyu Wang, Junxia Yu, Zhihong Liu*, Qi Zheng, Zhike He, Ruxiu Cai. A simple new way to prepare anatase TiO2 hydrosol with high photocatalytic activity. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2005, 20, L36-L39.
Jingyu Wang*, Dan Su, Fei Chen, Yunchen Du, Xijiang Han (王靖宇,苏丹,陈飞,杜耘辰,韩喜江). Enhancement of Visible-Light Photocatalytic Activity of TiO2/Fenton Composite System Induced by Surfactant (表面活性剂对TiO2/Fenton复合体系可见光催化活性的增强效应). Journal of Wuhan University. Natural Science Edition(武汉大学学报(理学版)), 2009, 55, 505-510 (Core journal).
Chao Wang, Xijiang Han, Ping Xu, Xiaolin Zhang, Yunchen Du, Surong Hu, Jingyu Wang, Xiaohong Wang. The electromagnetic property of chemically reduced graphene oxide and its application as microwave absorbing material. Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 98, 072906.
Yunchen Du, Jingyu Wang, Chenkui Cui, Xinrong Liu, et al. Pure Carbon Microwave Absorbers from Anion-Exchange Resin Pyrolysis. Synthetic Metals, 2010, 160, 2191-2196.
Xiuying Li, Jingyu Wang, Xiaoyu Wang, Dan Su, Xijiang Han. Preparation of Magnetic Fe2O3-TiO2 Nanocomposite and its Photocatalytic Activity under Visible Light Irradiation. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese(高等学校化学学报), 2010, 31, 662-666.
Chao Wang, Xijiang Han, Ping Xu, Jingyu Wang, et al. Controlled Synthesis of Hierarchical Nickel and Morphology-Dependent Electromagnetic Properties. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010, 114, 3196-3203.
Lei Du, Yunchen Du, You Li, Jingyu Wang, et al. Surfactant-Assisted Solvothermal Synthesis of Ba(CoTi)xFe12-2xO19 Nanoparticles and Enhancement in Microwave Absorption Properties of Polyaniline. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010, 114, 19600-19606.
Yunchen Du, Haibin Gao, Xinrong Liu, Jingyu Wang, et al. Solvent-Free Synthesis of Hexagonal Barium Ferrite (BaFe12O19) Particles. Journal of Materials Science, 2010, 45, 2442–2448.
Chao Wang, Xijiang Han, Xiaolin Zhang, Surong Hu, Jingyu Wang, Ping Xu. Controlled Synthesis and Morphology-Dependent Electromagnetic Properties of Hierarchical Cobalt Assemblies. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010, 114, 14826-14830.
Ping Xu, Xijiang Han, Chao Wang, Hongtao Zhao, Jingyu Wang, et al. Synthesis of electromagnetic functionalized barium ferrite nanoparticles embedded in polypyrrole. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2008, 112, 2775-2781.