Xin Wang, He Zhang, Linling Wang,⁎, Jing Chen, Shiqi Xu, Huijie Hou, Yao Shi, Jingdong Zhang, Miao Ma, Daniel C.W. Tsang, John C. Crittenden, Transformation of arsenic during realgar tailings stabilization using ferrous sulfate in a pilot-scale treatment, Science of the Total Environment 668 (2019) 32–39.
上一条:Linling Wang,⁎, Yao Shi, Dengke Yao, Hong Pan, Huijie Hou, Jing Chen,⁎, John C. Crittenden, Cd complexation with mercapto-functionalized attapulgite (MATP): Adsorption and DFT study, Chemical Engineering Journal 366 (2019) 569–576.
下一条:Yuqing Sun, Iris K.M. Yu, Daniel C.W. Tsang,⁎, Xinde Cao, Daohui Lin, Linling Wang, Nigel J.D. Graham, Daniel S. Alessi, Michael Komárek, Yong Sik Oki, Yujie Feng, Xiang-Dong Li, Multifunctional iron-biochar composites for the removal of potentially toxic elements, inherent cations, and hetero-chloride from hydraulic fracturing wastewater, Environment International 124 (2019) 521–532.