·Paper Publications
Yang Zhang, Yi Shen, Xiaoping Wang, Lina Cao. A Novel Design for Memristor-Based Logic Switch and Crossbar Circuits. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Regular Papers. Vol.62, No.5, pp:1402-1411, 2015
Release time:2020-08-27  Hits:
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Xiaoping Wang, Min Chen, Yi Shen, Switching mechanism for TiO2 memristor and quantitative analysis of exponential model parameters. Chinese Physics B. Vol.24, No.8, pp:088401, 2015
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Yang Zhang, Yi Shen, Xiaoping Wang, Yanwen Guo. A Novel Design for a Memristor-Based OR Gate. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II-Express Briefs. Vol.62, No.8, pp:781-785, 2015