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2008 武汉市科技进步三等奖:“采用零拷贝技术的多协议磁盘阵列控制器”
2008 湖北省科学技术发明奖二等奖:“进化海量存储系统关键技术与实现方法”
2008 工信部项目鉴定:“高性能、多协议加固型磁盘阵列”
- [1] Ting Yao, Yiwen Zhang, Jiguang Wan*, Qiu Cui, Liu Tang, Hong Jiang, Changsheng Xie, Xubin He. MatrixKV: Reducing Write Stalls and Write Amplification in LSM-tree Based KV Stores with a Matrix Container in NVM, The 2020 USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC '20) ,July 15–17, 2020, Sheraton in Boston, MA, USA.
- [2] Daping Li, Jiguang Wan*, Jun Wang, Jian Zhou, Kai Lu, Peng Xu, Fei Wu and Changsheng Xie. Disperse Access Considered Energy Inefficiency in Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory Servers,40th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems(December 2 - 4, ICDCS 2020).
- [3] Daping Li, Jiguang Wan*, Duo Wen, Chao Zhang, Nannan Zhao, Fei Wu and Changsheng Xie. PreMatch: An Adaptive Cost-Effective Energy Scheduling System for Data Centers. In Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST’ 2020).
- [4] Peng Xu, Jiguang Wan*, Ping Huang, Bihua Shu, Chenlei Tang, and Changsheng Xie. An Active Method to Mitigate the Long Latencies for Host-Aware Shingle Magnetic Recording Drives. (Tianjin, China, December 4-6, ICPADS 2019).
- [5] Ting Yao, Jiguang Wan*, Ping Huang,Yiwen Zhang, Zhiwen Liu, Xubin He, and Changsheng Xie. GearDB: A GC-free Key-Value Store on HM-SMR Drives with Gear Compaction. (February 25–February 28, FAST 2019).
- [6] Daping Li, Xiaoyang Qu, Jiguang Wan*, Jun Wang, Yang Xia, Xiaozhao Zhuang, and Changsheng Xie. “Workload Scheduling for Massive Storage Systems with Arbitrary Renewable Supply.” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (IEEE TPDS). vol. 29, no.104, pp. 2373-2387,October 2018.
- [7] Ting Yao, Zhihu tan*, Jiguang Wan*, Ping Huang, Yiwen Zhang, Changsheng Xie, Xubin He. A Set-aware Key-Value Store on Shingled Magnetic Recording Drives with Dynamic Band, 2018 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium(May 21–May 25, IPDPS 2018).
- [8] Chenlei Tang, Jiguang Wan*, Yifeng Zhu, Zhiyuan Liu, Peng Xu, Fei Wu, Changsheng Xie, RAFS A RAID-Aware File System to Reduce the Parity Update Overhead for SSD RAID, DATE2019.
- [9] Ting Yao, Zhihu tan, Jiguang Wan*, Ping Huang, Yiwen Zhang, Changsheng Xie, and Xubin He. SEALDB: An Efficient LSM-tree based KV Store on SMR Drives with Sets and Dynamic Bands, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. vol. 30, no.11, pp. 2595-2607, NOVEMBER 2019. (IEEE TPDS).
- [10] Nannan Zhao, Ali Anwar, Yue Cheng, Mohammed Salman, Da-ping Li, Jiguang Wan, Changsheng Xie, Xubin He, Feiyi Wang, Ali Raza Butt. Chameleon: An Adaptive Wear Balancer for Flash Clusters,2018 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium(May 21–May 25, IPDPS 2018).