·Paper Publications
Xiaoye Qu, Zhikang Zou, Xinxing Su, Pan Zhou, Wei Wei, Shiping Wen and Dapeng Oliver Wu, Attend to Where and When: Cascaded Attention Network for Facial Expression Recognition,IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence (TETCI) 2021, to appear.
Release time:2021-07-14  Hits:
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Wei Wei, Jiayi Liu, Xianling Mao, Guibing Guo, Feida Zhu, Pan Zhou, Yuchong Hu, Shanshan Feng, Target Guided Emotion Aware Chat Machine, ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), 2021, to appear. [CCF A]
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Jia-Nan Guo, Xian-Ling Mao, Shu-Yang Lin, Wei Wei and Heyan Huang,Deep Kernel Supervised Hashing for Node Classification in Structural Networks,Information Sciences (INS, IF = 5.524)., 2021, to appear