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个人信息Personal Information
- Paul Benjamin Lowry,Gregory D. Moody,Sutirtha Chatterjee,Chuang Wang,Tailai WU.Jun Zhang.An Integrative Theory Addressing Cyberharassment in the Light of Technology-Based Opportunism.Journal of Management Information Systems,2019,(4):1142-1178
- Tailai Wu,Choon Ling Sia,Yaobin Lu.Chih-Hung Peng.Website Localization Strategies to Promote Global E-Commerce: The Moderating Role of Individualism and Collectivism.MIS Quarterly,2024,(1):31-66
- Xiaoyan Hou, Tailai Wu*, Zhuo Chen, Liqing Zhou. (2022). Success Factors of Medical Crowdfunding Campaigns: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 24(3): e30189..
- Yuxin Peng, Tailai Wu*, Zhuo Chen, Zhaohua Deng. (2022). Value Cocreation in Health Care: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24(3), e33061..
- Tailai Wu, Zhaohua Deng, Donglan Zhang, Paula R. Buchanan and Ruoxi Wang. Seeking and Using Intention of Health Information from Doctors in Social Media: The effect of Doctor-Consumer Interaction. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2018:106-113..
- Tailai Wu, Zhaohua Deng, Zhanchun Feng, Darrell J Gaskin and Ruoxi Wang. The Effect of Doctor-Consumer Interaction on Social Media on Consumers’ Health Behaviors: Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2018, 20(2): e73..
- Tailai Wu, Zhaohua Deng, Zhuo Chen, Donglan Zhang, Ruoxi Wang and Xiang Wu. “Predictors of patients’ intention to interact with doctors on Web-Based Health Communities: Cross-Sectional study”. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2019. 21(6): e13693.
- Tailai Wu, Zhaohua Deng, Zhuo Chen, Donglan Zhang, Xiang Wu and Ruoxi Wang. Predictors of Patients’ Loyalty Toward Doctors on Web-Based Health Communities: Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2019. 21(9): e14484..
- 夏佳贝,邓朝华,吴泰来*.职业女性网络健康信息搜寻行为影响因素及社会支持的调节效应研究.图书情报工作.2020, 64(23), 53-62..
- 孟欣然, 邓朝华, 吴泰来*. 中老年用户智能可穿戴设备使用意愿的影响因素研究. 卫生软科学, 2020. 34(8), 41-46..