·Paper Publications
- [41] Zhang, L.M., et al., Developing a cloud model based risk assessment methodology for tunnel-induced damage to existing pipelines. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2015. 29(2): p. 513-526..
- [42] Wu, X.G., et al., A Dynamic Decision Approach for Risk Analysis in Complex Projects. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2015. 79(3-4): p. 591-601..
- [43] Wu, X.G., et al., Prospective safety performance evaluation on construction sites. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2015. 78: p. 58-72..
- [44] Wu, X.G., et al., A dynamic Bayesian network based approach to safety decision support in tunnel construction. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2015. 134: p. 157-168..
- [45] Wu, X.G., et al., Dynamic risk analysis for adjacent buildings in tunneling environments: a Bayesian network based approach. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2015. 29(5): p. 1447-1461..
- [46] Ding, L.P., et al., How to protect historical buildings against tunnel-induced damage: A case study in China. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2015. 16(6): p. 904-911..
- [47] Zhang, L.M., et al., Bayesian-network-based safety risk analysis in construction projects. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2014. 131: p. 29-39..
- [48] Zhang, L.M., et al., Towards a safety management approach for adjacent buildings in tunneling environments: Case study in China. Building and Environment, 2014. 75: p. 222-235..
- [49] Zhang, L.M., et al., A probabilistic approach for safety risk analysis in metro construction. Safety Science, 2014. 63: p. 8-17..
- [50] Teng, J.Y. and X.G. Wu, Eco-footprint-based life-cycle eco-efficiency assessment of building projects. Ecological Indicators, 2014. 39: p. 160-168..