·Paper Publications
- [51] Ding, L.Y., et al., Safety management in tunnel construction: Case study of Wuhan metro construction in China. Safety Science, 2014. 62: p. 8-15..
- [52] Cao, J., X.G. Wu, and L.M. Zhang, Study on Safety Collaborative Management of a Metro Engineering Construction Based on Partnership, in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, Pts 1-4, X. Zhang, et al., Editors. 2014. p. 1451-1456..
- [53] Zhang, L.M., et al., Decision support analysis for safety control in complex project environments based on Bayesian Networks. Expert Systems with Applications, 2013. 40(11): p. 4273-4282..
- [54] Zhang, L.M., et al., A novel model for risk assessment of adjacent buildings in tunneling environments. Building and Environment, 2013. 65: p. 185-194..
- [55] Wu, X.G., et al., The reliability theory based expert system research for Subway construction safety risk identification, in Advances in Civil and Industrial Engineering, Pts 1-4, L. Tian and H. Hou, Editors. 2013. p. 1739-1748..
- [56] Ding, L.Y., et al., Feedforward Analysis for Shield-Ground System. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 2013. 27(3): p. 231-242..
- [57] Zhang, L.M. and X.G. Wu, Study on Safety Risk Identification System (SRIS) for Metro Construction, in Management, Manufacturing and Materials Engineering, Pts 1 and 2, P. Liu, Editor. 2012, Trans Tech Publications Ltd: Stafa-Zurich. p. 264-268..
- [58] Zhang, L.M., H.Y. Chen, and X.G. Wu, Study on Virtual Construction Mode (VCM) in Large-scale Engineering, in Management, Manufacturing and Materials Engineering, Pts 1 and 2, P. Liu, Editor. 2012, Trans Tech Publications Ltd: Durnten-Zurich. p. 755-+..
- [59] Ding, L.Y., et al., Using nD technology to develop an integrated construction management system for city rail transit construction. Automation In Construction, 2012. 21: p. 64-73..
- [60] Ding, L.Y., et al., Safety risk identification system for metro construction on the basis of construction drawings. Automation in Construction, 2012. 27: p. 120-137..