·Paper Publications
- [11] Huan Gao;Zhiyi He;Xingli Du;Zhenggang Wang;Xiang Li *;Machine Learning for the Prediction of Synchronous Organ-Specific Metastasis in Patients With Lung Cancer. Front Oncol. 2022 May 13;12:817372..
- [12] Zhengdong Zhong;Junnan Jiang ;Shanquan Chen;Lu Li;Xiang Li *;Effect of critical illness insurance on the medical expenditures of rural patients in China an interrupted time series study for universal health insurance coverage,BMJ open,2021,11(02).
- [13] Xin Yanjiao;Jiang Junnan;Chen Shanquan ; Gong Fangxu; Xiang Li *; What contributes to medical debt? Evidence from Patients in rural China, BMC Health Services Research, 2020 ,20:696.
- [14] Jiang Junnan;Chen Shanquan; Xin Yanjiao ;Li Lu; Xiang Li *;Economic Crisis of Rural Patients Insured with Critical Illness Insurance: Does Working-Age patients had higher financial burden? Health & Social Care in the Community.2020, 29(2):496-505.
- [15] Jiang Junnan; Lucas Henry ; Long Qian; Xin Yanjiao; Xiang Li *; Tang Shenglan; The Effect of an Innovative Financing and Payment Model for Tuberculosis Patients on Health Service Utilization in China: Evidence from Hubei Province of China,International journal of environmental research and public health, 2019, 16(14): 2494..
- [16] Jiang Junnan; Chen Shanquan; Xin Yanjiao; Wang Xuefeng; Zeng Li; Zhong Zhengdong; Xiang Li *; Does the critical illness insurance reduce patients’ financial burden and benefit the poor more: a comprehensive evaluation in rural area of China,Journal of medical economics, 2019, 22(5): 455-463..
- [17] Xue Qiuji ; Xiong Xianjun; Feng Yi ; Yao Lan ; Chen Shanquan ; Xiang Li *; Socioeconomic factors influencing antipsychotic prescription for schizophrenia inpatients in China: a cross-sectional study, International clinical psychopharmacology,2014,29(5):288-295..
- [18] Chen Shanquan ; Pan Yao ;Yao Qiang ; Yao Lan ; Liu Zhiyong ; Xiang Li *;Publication pressure on Chinese doctors—another view ,The Lancet,2014,384(9947):956.
- [19] Feng Yi ; Xiong Xianjun; Xue Qiuji ; Yao Lan ; Luo Fei ; Xiang Li *;The impact of medical insurance policies on the hospitalization services utilization of people with schizophrenia: A case study in Changsha, China, Pakistan journal of medical science,2013,29(3):793-798.
- [20] 陈知禾;李璐;钟正东;林坤河;熊英贝;姚轶凡;周津;项莉*.风险态度视角下深圳市龙华区医联体医生下转患者意愿与经济激励效应[J].中国卫生事业管理,2024,41(05):506-510..