·Paper Publications
- [1] Xiong Yingbei,Yao Yifan,Li Yuehua,Chen Shanquan,Li Yunfei,Lin Kunhe.Xiang Li.Impact of diagnosis-related group payment on medical expenditure and treatment efficiency on people with drug-resistant tuberculosis: a quasi-experimental study design. Int J Equity Health. 24, 1 (2025)..
- [2] Kunhe Lin;Xiang Li *. The Effects of the Multi-Hospital Global Budget Payment on Medical Expenditure and Service Volume: The Evidence from Dangyang County, China[J]. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 2024: 1875-1887..
- [3] Kunhe Lin; Yifan Yao;Yingbei Xiong;Xiang Li *; The effect of an innovative payment method on inpatient volume and bed resources and their regional distribution: the case of a central province in China[J]. International Journal for Equity in Health, 2024, 23(1): 159..
- [4] 赵梦园,林坤河,熊英贝,等.DIP支付方式下医疗机构医保支付率及影响因素分析[J].中国卫生政策研究,2024,17(06):40-46..
- [5] 林坤河,上官业声,饶娅琦,等.DIP支付方式下医保供给侧政策协同对费用控制的影响研究[J].中国卫生政策研究,2024,17(05):17-24..
- [6] Kunhe Lin; Yunfei Li;Yifan Yao;Yingbei Xiong;Xiang Li *;The impact of an innovative payment method on medical expenditure, efficiency, and quality for inpatients with different types of medical insurance: evidence from a pilot city, China [J]. International Journal for Equity in Health, 2024 Jun 5;23(1):115..
- [7] Yingbei Xiong; Kunhe Lin; Yifan Yao; Zhengdong Zhong; Xiang Li *; Comparison of the market share of public and private hospitals under different Medical Alliances: an interrupted time-series analysis in rural China[J]. BMC Health Services Research, 2024, 24(1): 496..
- [8] Kunhe Lin; Xiang Li *; Factors Associated with Non-Adherence to Treatment Among Migrants with MDR-TB in Wuhan, China: A Cross-Sectional Study[J]. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 2024, 17: 727-737..
- [9] Zhengdong Zhong; Qiang Yao; Shanquan Chen; Junnan Jiang; Kunhe Lin; Yifan Yao; Xiang Li *; China Promotes Sanming’s Model: A National Template for Integrated Medicare Payment Methods[J]. International journal of integrated care. 2023, 23(2):15..
- [10] Xiao Liu;Kunhe Lin;Yuehua Li ;Junnan Jiang;Zhengdong Zhong;Yingbei Xiong;Jin Zhou;Xiang Li *;Impacts of Medical Security Level on Treatment Outcomes of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: Evidence from Wuhan City, China. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2022 Dec 20;16:3341-3355..