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 Dr. Peng Xiao is a full professor and the vice dean of the biomedical engineering department, college of life science and technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. He has been enrolled in the “Chutian Scholar” program of Hubei province.

 Dr. Peng Xiao has endeavored in the image reconstruction and system design of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) since 2009. He has played a key role in the developments of the first small animal all-digital PET and the first clinical all-digital PET. He proposed the list mode based regularized relaxed ordered subset (LMROS) reconstruction algorithms to realize the high quality PET imaging with undersampled or truncated data. The LMROS algorithms can easily transfer any prior information into regularization operators and greatly reduce the image noise. This algorithm has made a great contribution to the accomplishment of CFDA registration for the first clinical all-digital PET/CT in 2019. Furthermore, Dr. Xiao combined the LMROS algorithm with novel system designs like “panel PET with windows” and “transformable PET”, on which the high quality images were obtained with uncompleted data. Meanwhile, Dr. Xiao has also construct PET systems with two movable panels and evaluated the system’s contrast recovery coefficient, signal to noise ratio and contrast to noise ratio with a changing system geometry. All of his work will help to expand the application area of PET imaging technology.

As principle investigator, Dr. Xiao has engaged in research programs like national key international S&T cooperation project, NSFC general project and NSFC emergency project. He also involved in the national key scientific instrument and equipment development project, national key technology research and development program, NSFC special fund for basic research on scientific instruments and etc., as a key participator. He has published nearly 60 papers in top journals and conferences, including IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on SMC-B, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Physics in Medicine and Biology. He has applied for 57 patents and was already granted 12 of them. He has been bestowed the Hubei technological invention 1st class award (2013), Huang Jiasi biomedical engineering technological invention 1st class award (2019), Geneva international exhibition of inventions golden awards (once in 2013, twice in 2017). The works of his group has been nominated three times for “Top 10 news of technology progress in China” (2012, 2016 and 2019), and finally been elected by the academicians as “Top 10 news of technology progress in China 2019”. Meanwhile, Dr. Xiao is a member of standing committee of Hubei nuclear medicine society, a guest editor of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering and a reviewer for all kinds of academic funding/awards programs.