Xu Jing
·Paper Publications
- [11] Haofan Yang,Zhongfei Xiong, Xinda Lu, Ruo-Yang Zhang, Hanghang Li.Jing Xu,Yuntian Chen,Shuang Zhang.Optically reconfigurable spin-valley Hall effect of light in coupled nonlinear ring resonator lattice.Physical Review Letters,2021,043904
- [12] Yuntian Chen,Jingwei Wang,Weijin Chen.Jing Xu.Reciprocal waveguide coupled mode theory.Acta Physica Sinica,2020,154206
- [13] Jiamin Wang,Jan Markus Baumann,Karsten Rottwitt.Jing Xu,Yunhong Ding.Stable Excitation of Orbital Angular Momentum States in Air-Core Fiber Seeded by an Integrated Optical Vortex Beam Emitter.Photonics Journal,2020,6601408
- [14] Zhongfei Xiong,Qingdong Yang, Weijin Chen, Zhuoran Wang,Wei Liu.Jing Xu,Yuntian Chen.On the constraints of electromagnetic multipoles for symmetric scatterers: eigenmode analysis.Opt. Express,2020,3073-3085
- [15] H. Yang,Z. Xiong, H. Hu, Y. Chen, X. Zhang.Jing Xu.Spatial-Dependent Hamiltonian Formulation of Cross-Mode Modulation.Photonics Journal,2020,6100208
- [16] Hanwen Hu,Chi Zhang,Jing Xu.Lumped Dissipation Induced Quasi-Phase Matching for Broad and Flat Optical Parametric Processes.IEEE Photonics Journal,2019,7801808
- [17] Bei Wu,Zhuoran Wang, Weijin Chen, Zhongfei Xiong.Jing Xu,Yuntian Chen.S-parameters, non-Hermitian ports and the finite-element implementation in photonic devices with PT-symmetry.Opt. Express,2019,17648
- [18] Wen Li,Dong Tan,Jing Xu,Shubo Wang,Yuntian Chen.Finite element based Green’s function integral equation for modelling light scattering.Opt. Express,2019,16047-16057
- [19] Weijin Chen,Zhongfei Xiong,Jing Xu.Yuntian Chen.Generalized coupled mode formalism in reciprocal waveguides with gain/loss, anisotropy or bianisotropy.Phys. Rev. B,2019,195307
- [20] Yaoqin Lu,Jing Xu,Jing-Tao Lv.Decay channels of gap plasmons in STM tunnel junctions.Opt. Express,2018,30444-30455