·Paper Publications
Quan Yuan, Xuecai Xu, Mingchang Xu, Junwei Zhao, Yibing Li. The role of striking and struck vehicles in side crashes between vehicles: Bayesian bivariate probit analysis in China. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 134, 105324, Jan.2020.(SSCI Q1)
Release time:2021-07-02  Hits:
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Xuecai Xu, Xianjian Luo, Daiquan Xiao, S.C. Wong. Comparative analysis of Bayesian quantile regression models for pedestrian injury severity at signalized intersections. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, Dec.2019.
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Xuecai Xu, Xiangjian Luo, Changxi Ma, Daiquan Xiao. Spatial-temporal anslysis of pedestrian injury severity with geographically and temporally weighted regression model in Hong Kong. Transportation Research Part F-Traffic Psychology and Behavior, 69, 286-300, Feb.2020. (SSCI Q2)