·Paper Publications
- [1] Hualiang Teng, Xuecai Xu, Xin Li, Valerian Kwigizile. Evaluation of Speed Monitoring Displays for Work Zones in Las Vegas, Nevada. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2107, 46-56, 2009. .
- [2] Weihua Liu, Xuecai Xu, Zhengxu Ren, Yan Peng. An Emergency Order Allocation Model Based on Multi-provider in Two-Echelon Logistics Service Supply Chain. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, 16(6), 391-400, 2011. .
- [3] Weihua Liu, Dong Xie, Xuecai Xu. Quality supervision and coordination of logistic service supply chain under multi-period conditions. International Journal of Production Economics, 142(2), 353-361, 2013. .
- [4] Weihua Liu, Xuecai Xu, Ahmad Kouhpaenejad. Deterministic approach to the fairest revenue-sharing coefficient in logistics service supply chain under the stochastic demand condition. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 66(1), 41-52, 2013. .
- [5] Xuecai Xu, Valerian Kwigizile, Hualiang Teng. Identifying Access Management Factors Associated with Safety of Urban Arterials Mid-blocks: A Panel Data Simultaneous Equation Models Approach. Traffic Injury Prevention, 14(7), 734-742, 2013.
- [6] Weihua Liu, Chunling Liu, Xuecai Xu, Xing Bao. An order allocation model in multi-period logistics service supply chain based on cumulative prospect theory and capacity matching constraint, International Journal of Production Research, 52(22), 6608-6626, 2014. DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2014.904968. .
- [7] Xuecai Xu, Hualiang Teng, Valerian Kwigizile, Eneliko Mulokozi. Modeling Signalized-Intersection Safety with Corner Clearance. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 140(6), 2014. .
- [8] Xuecai Xu, S.C. Wong, Keechoo Choi. A Two-stage Bivariate Logistic-Tobit Model for the Safety Analysis of Signalized Intersections. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, Vol. 3-4, 1-10, 2014. (SSCI Q1).
- [9] Xuecai Xu, S.C. Wong, Keechoo Choi. Quasi-induced Exposure Method for Pedestrian Safety at Signalized Intersections. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 8(2), 129-147, 2016. DOI: 10.1080/19439962.2014.1003630. .
- [10] Xuecai Xu, Siqi Xie, S.C.Wong, Pengpeng Xu, Helai Huang, Xin Pei. Severity of Pedestrian Injuries due to Traffic Crashes at Signalized Intersections in Hong Kong: a Bayesian spatial logit model. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 50:2015-2028, Dec.2016. .