·Paper Publications
Zehua Li, YinWang, Kai Xu, Jingze Yang, Shaobo Niu, Hong Yao. Effect of steam on CaO regeneration, carbonation and hydration reactions for CO2 capture. Fuel Processing Technology. 2016, 151, 101-106
Release time:2019-09-18  Hits:
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Xiaowei Hu, Xian Li, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao. Homogeneous and heterogeneous contributions of CO2 and recycled NO to NO emission difference between air and oxy-coal combustion. Fuel, 2016, 163, 1-7
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Zehua Li, Yin Wang, Zhiwei Li, Meng Li, Kai Xu, Wenqiang Liu, Guangqian Luo, and Hong Yao. Limestone Decomposition in an O2/CO2/Steam Atmosphere Integrated with Coal Combustion. Energy Fuels. 2016, 30, 5092-5100