·Paper Publications
Xiaowei Hu, Xian Li, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao. Homogeneous and heterogeneous contributions of CO2 and recycled NO to NO emission difference between air and oxy-coal combustion. Fuel, 2016, 163, 1-7
Release time:2019-09-18  Hits:
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Hui Wu, Bi Zhang, Yong Qiu, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao. Experiment study on mercury migration across wet flue gas desulfurization slurry under oxy-coal combustion atmosphere. Fuel, 2016, 181, 1184-1190
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Zehua Li, YinWang, Kai Xu, Jingze Yang, Shaobo Niu, Hong Yao. Effect of steam on CaO regeneration, carbonation and hydration reactions for CO2 capture. Fuel Processing Technology. 2016, 151, 101-106