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Jinghua Yu *, Kangxin Leng, Hong Ye, Xinhua Xu, Yongqiang Luo, Jinbo Wang, Xie Yang, Qingchen Yang, Wenjie Gang. Study on thermal insulation characteristics and optimized design of pipe-embedded ventilation roof with outer-layer shape-stabilized PCM in different climate zones. Renewable Energy 147 (2020) 1609-1622(SCI/EI).
Jinghua Yu*, Qingchen Yang, Hong Ye. Thermal performance evaluation and optimal design of building roof with outer-layer shape-stabilized PCM. Renewable Energy145 (2020) 2538-2549 (SCI/EI).
Yongqiang Luo, Ling Zhang, Zhongbing Liu, Jinghua Yu, Xiaosong Su, Towards net zero energy building: The application potential and adaptability of photovoltaic-thermoelectric-battery wall system.Applied Energy 258(2020)114066.
Tian Yan, ZhongweiSun, JiajiaGao, XinhuaXu, JinghuaYu,WenjieGang, Simulation study of a pipe-encapsulated PCM wall system with self-activated heat removal by nocturnal sky radiation, Renewable Energy 146 (2020) 1451-1464 (SCI/EI).
TianYan, JiajiaGao, XinhuaXu, TaoXu, ZiyeLing, JinghuaYu. Dynamic simplified PCM models for the pipe-encapsulated PCM wall system for self-activated heat removal .International Journal of Thermal Sciences 144(2019) 27-41 (SCI/EI) .
Hang Wan, Zhongwei Sun, Gongsheng Huang,XinhuaXu, Jinghua Yu. Calculation of the maximum moisture buffering thickness of building wall layer of hygroscopic material, building and environment 160(2019) 106-173 (SCI/EI).
Jinghua Yu*, Qingchen Yang, Hong Ye. The Optimum Phase Transition Temperature for Building Roof with Outer Layer PCM in Different Climate Regions of China. Energy Procedia 158 (2019) 3045-3051(EI).
Shan Peng, Jinghua Yu*,Wenjie Gang, Liwei Tian, Qingchen Yang and Junwei Tao. Study on load characteristics of different air conditioning systems in large space railway station. IOP Conference Series:Earth and Environmental Sciencen 238, (2019)conference 1. (EI) .
Junchao Huang, Jinghua Yu*, Hongxing Yang. Effects of key factors on the heat insulation performance of a hollow block ventilated wall. Applied Energy 232 (2018) 409-423(SCI/EI).
Jinghua Yu*, Hong Ye, Xinhua Xu, Junchao Huang, Yunxi Liu, Jinbo Wang. Experimental study on the thermal performance of a hollow block ventilation wall. Renewable Energy 122 (2018) 619-631 (SCI/EI).