·Paper Publications
- [31] Tulu Tilahun Hailu, Junqing Yu, Tessfu Geteye Fantaye. A Framework for Word Embedding Based Automatic Text Summarization and Evaluation, Informations, 2020,11(78): 1-23 (EI收录) (通讯作者).
- [32] Tulu Tilahun Hailu, Junqing Yu, Tessfu Geteye Fantaye. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Automatic Evaluation Strategies for Paraphrase Generation Systems, Journal of Computer and Communications, 2020, 8(2):1-16 (SCI, EI收录) (通讯作者) .
- [33] Zikai Song, Na Feng, Junqing Yu, Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen. Fine-grain level sports video search engine, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling, 2020, 519-531.
- [34] Qizhao Zhou, Junqing Yu, Dong Li. A Dynamic and Lightweight Framework to Secure Source Address in an SDN-based Network, Computer Networks,193(2021):10875 (CCF-B类期刊,已线上发表,通讯作者).
- [35] 冯思佳, 宋子恺, 于俊清, 何云峰, 管涛. 足球视频球员感知跟踪算法, 中国图象图形学报, 2021, 26(7):1668-1680(CCF-B类中文期刊,通讯作者).
- [36] 吴驰, 帅俊岚, 龙涛, 于俊清. 基于Linux Shell命令的用户异常操作检测方法研究, 信息网络安全, 2021, 21(5): 31-38(CCF-C类中文期刊,通讯作者).
- [37] Tulu Tilahun Hailu, Junqing Yu, Tessfu Geteye Fantaye, Word Embedding based Evaluation Metric (WEEM): Exploring the Importance of Publicly Available Pre-trained Word Embedding Models for Developing MT Automatic Evaluation Metrics, Natural Language Engineering, 2021 (SCI, EI收录) (通讯作者) (已录用).
- [38] Luo Yawei, Liu Ping, Zheng Liang, Guan Tao, Yu Junqing, Yang Yi. Category-Level Adversarial Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation using Purified Features, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2021 (CCF-A类期刊,已录用).
- [39] Hailong Pan, Tao Guan, Keyang Luo, Yawei Luo, Junqing Yu. A visibility-based surface reconstruction method on the GPU, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2021, 84: 101956 (SCI收录期刊, EI收录) .
- [40] Tingting Wang, Na Feng, Junqing Yu, Yunfeng He, Yangliu Hu and Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen. Shot Boundary Detection through Multi-stage Deep Convolution Neural Network, Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling, 2021, 1-12 (CCF-C类会议, EI收录) (通讯作者) .