Optical Filter Switchable Between Bandstop and Bandpass Responses in SOI Wafer.IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
Silicon-on-insulator-based microwave photonic filter with widely adjustable bandwidth.PHOTONICS RESEARCH
Tunable Fano resonance with a high slope rate in a microring-resonator-coupled Mach-Zehnder interferometer.OPTICS LETTERS
Optical All-Pass Filter in Silicon-on-Insulator.ACS PHOTONICS
Photonics-based simultaneous measurement of distance and velocity using multi-band LFM microwave signals with opposite chirps.OPTICS EXPRESS
Weijun Jiang, Lu Xu, Yifan Liu, Yu Chen, Xiaolong Liu, Jinqiao Yi, Yu Yu, Yuan Yu , and Xinliang Zhang, “Optical filter switchable between bandstop and bandpass responses in SOI wafer,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 32(17), Sep. 1, pp. 1105-1108, 2020.
Weijun Jiang, Lu Xu, Yifan Liu, Yu Chen, Xiaolong Liu, Yu Yu, Yuan Yu,* and Xinliang Zhang*, “Optical All-Pass Filter in Silicon-on-Insulator,” ACS Photonics, 7, pp. 2539-2546, 2020..ACS Photonics.2020,7:2539-2546
Jinxu Zhang, Weijun Jiang, Yuan Yu*, and Xinliang Zhang, "Photonics-based simultaneous measurement of distance and velocity using multi-band LFM microwave signals with opposite chirps," Optics Express, Accepted.
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27. Yuan Yu(#), Jianji Dong, Fan Jiang, Bowen Luo, and Xinliang Zhang*, “Photonic generation of UWB impulses by using a Fabry-Pérot semiconductor optical amplifier,” Optics Communications, 315, pp. 356-361, 2014.
26. Yuan Yu(#), Jianji Dong, Bowen Luo, Fan Jiang, and Xinliang Zhang*. A Single Passband Microwave Photonic Filter with Flat-Top and Steep Transition Edges. Optics Communications, 2012, 286(1): 95-98.
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24. Yuan Yu(#), Jianji Dong, Xiang Li, and Xinliang Zhang*. UWB Monocycle Generation and Bi-Phase Modulation Based on Mach-Zehnder Modulator and Semiconductor Optical Amplifier. IEEE Photonics Journal, 2012, 4(2), 327-339.
23. Yuan Yu(#), Jianji Dong, Enming Xu, Xiang Li, Lina Zhou, Fei Wang, and Xinliang Zhang*. Single Passband Microwave Photonic Filter With Continuous Wideband Tunability Based on Electro-Optic Phase Modulator and Fabry–Pérot Semiconductor Optical Amplifier. IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2011, 29(23): 3542-3550.