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Yang Y, Yang S, Yu Z, Li C, Li C, Zhang H, et al. Real-Time Diagnosis of Plasma Molecular Temperature Based on OES and Elastic-Net Regression Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 2023;51(2):466-73..
Yang Y, Zhang H, Li C, Li C, Yu Z, Yu K. Diffusion charging of nanometer-sized liquid aerosol particles. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2021;54(17):175204..
Yang Y, Tianshu L, Chuan L, Yehong H, Xingwei L, Haoqin Z. Electrical breakdown characteristics of soil under dc high voltage. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2021;9(5):106122..
Yang Y, Chen H, Li C, Zhang H, Yu Z, Li C, et al. Comparison of Initiation and Temporal Evolution of Positive and Negative Ionic Wind Under Needle-to-Plate Electrode. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 2023;51(2):352-8..
Yang Y, Pi X, Li C, Li C, Zhang H, Chen H, et al. Investigation on optical and electrical properties of soil discharge under pulse voltage. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2023;56(16):165204..
Yang Y, Yang S, Li C, Yu Z. Recognition of plasma discharge patterns based on CNN and visible images. IEEE Access. 2021;9:67232-40..
Tu, Y., Xia, H., Yang, Y., Lu, X., Time-resolved imaging of electrical discharge development in multiple bubbles immersed in water, Plasma Processes and Polymers 14, 2017, e1600259. .
Zelong Liao, Yuheng Li, Xiangsheng Xiao, Chen Wang, Shang Cao and Yong Yang, Electrostatic Precipitation of Submicron Particles with an Enhanced Unipolar Pre-Charger, Aerosol and Air Quality Research 18, 2018, 1141-1147.
Yong Yang , Yanzhan Zhang, Zelong Liao, Xuekai Pei, and Shuqun Wu,OH Radicals Distribution and Discharge Dynamics of an Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet Above Water Surface,IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences,2,2018,223-228.
Yong Yang, Xiao Tan, Dawei Liu , Xinpei Lu, Chun Zhao, Jiazheng Lu, and Yuan Pan, Corona Discharge-Induced Rain and Snow Formation in Air, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 46, 2018, 1786-1792.