牛津仪器干式磁铁系统 TeslatronPT 14T, 1.5-300K,氦三)
牛津仪器湿式磁铁系统 IntegraAC(16T,1.5-300K, 氦三)
1. 半金属在强磁场下的特殊物性研究
2. 新型量子材料热电输运研究
3. 超导、拓扑等新型量子材料特殊物性
4. 脉冲强磁场下的新型测量技术手段
[1] Xiaokang Li,朱增伟.Chiral domain walls of Mn3Sn and their memory.Nature Communications,
[2] Zhu, Zengwei,Zhu, Zengwei.Quantum Oscillations, Thermoelectric Coefficients, and the Fermi Surface of Semimetallic WTe2.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS,2015,(17):176601
[3] Zuo, Huakun,Bao, Jin-Ke,Zhu, Zengwei,Cao, Guang-Han.Temperature and angular dependence of the upper critical field in K2Cr3As3.PHYSICAL REVIEW B,(1):014502
[4] Zhu, Zengwei,Zhu, Zengwei.Emptying Dirac valleys in bismuth using high magnetic fields.NATURE COMMUNICATIONS,15297
[5] Li, Xiaokang,Zhu, Zengwei,Behnia, Kamran.Anomalous Nernst and Righi-Leduc Effects in Mn3Sn: Berry Curvature and Entropy Flow.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS,2017,(5):056601