Lianbin Zhang
· Personal Information
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Teacher College:School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Department:School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Science
Alma Mater:吉林大学
Discipline: Polymer Chemistry and Physics
· Other Contact Information:
· Personal Profile
· Education Experience
- 2005.9 ~ 2010.6
-  吉林大学   Postgraduate (Doctoral) 
- 2001.9 ~ 2005.7
-  吉林大学   Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree) 
· Work Experience
- 2010.11-2016.10
- 阿卜杜拉国王科技大学
- 2010.7-2010.11
- 香港科技大学
· Social Affiliations
- 2019.10-Now
- 中国材料研究学会超材料分会青年理事
- 2017.8-Now
- 湖北省化学化工学会青年委员会 委员
Welcome to my home page!
· Research Focus
· Research Group
· Name of Research Group:超分子有序复合材料团
2024-10-30:祝贺吕全乾同学的工作“Asymmetric and Ultrasensitive Structural Color Response in Nanochain-embedded Photonic Composites”被Advanced Optical Materials 接收!
2024-10-29:祝贺余颖同学的工作“Underwater Structurally-colored Adhesives for Visualized Adhesion Monitoring in Aqueous Media”被Adv Funct Mater 接收!
2024-08-12:祝贺吕全乾同学的工作“Structurally-colored adhesives for sensitive, high-resolution, and non-invasive adhesion self-monitoring”被Nat Commum 接收!
2024-08-08:祝贺杜硕博士的工作“Ultratough and Highly Conductive Supramolecular Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Eutectogels via a Sequentially Enhanced Strategy ”被Adv Funct Mater接收!
2024-07-03: 祝贺胡振同学的工作“Supramolecular 3D Printing Enabling One-step Generation of Healable and Recyclable Structurally Colored Objects”被Adv Funct Mater 接收!
2024-5-8: 祝贺谢舸、陈晓东两位同学通过博士学位论文答辩!
2024-2-21:祝贺李苗苗博士的工作“Scalable production of structurally colored composite films by shearing supramolecular composites of polymers and colloids"被 Nature Communications接收!
2023-12-07:祝贺陈强同学的工作“Polyphenol-sodium alginate supramolecular injectable hydrogel with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory capabilities for infected wound healing”被 International Journal of Biological Macromolecules接收!
2023-08-11:祝贺王惠同学的工作“Inverse Opal Photonic Hydrogels for Blue-edge Slow Photon-enhanced Photodynamic Antibacterial Therapy”被 Advanced Functional Materials 接收!
2023-01-28:祝贺彭博伦同学的工作“Phase-Separated Polyzwitterionic Hydrogels with Tunable Sponge-Like Structures for Stable Solar Steam Generation”被 Advanced Functional Materials 接收...