Associate professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Journal:Phys. Rev. Lett.
Included Journals:SCI
Page Number:073204
Date of Publication:2020-08-12
Abstract:The critical phases, being delocalized but nonergodic, are fundamental phases different from both the many-body localization and ergodic extended quantum phases, and have so far not been realized in experiment. Here we propose an incommensurate topological insulating model of AIII symmetry class to realize such critical phases through an optical Raman lattice scheme, which possesses a one-dimensional (1D) spin-orbit coupling and an incommensurate Zeeman potential. We show the existence of both noninteracting and many-body critical phases, which can coexist with the topological phase, and show that the critical-localization transition coincides with the topological phase boundary in noninteracting regime. The dynamical detection of the critical phases is proposed and studied in detail based on the available experimental techniques. Finally, we demonstrate how the proposed critical phases can be achieved within the current ultracold atom experiments. This work paves the way to observe the novel critical phases.