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[1] Wu H, Lu B, Zhang, Y*(通讯作者), L T. Differences in prefrontal cortex activation in Chinese college students with different severities of depressive symptoms: A large sample of functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) findings[J]. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2024,530,521-530.(IF=6.533, SCI&SSCIQ1)

[2] 郑敏晓,朱冬梅,魏强,向念,邱敏,肖强,李晓南,张妍.创伤大学生言语流畅性任务的功能性近红外成像研究[J]. 中国学校卫生,202431-34

[3] Zhang, Y., Cao, X., Lei, G., Wu, H*. Relationship between perceived social support and postgraduate students’ general selfefcacy: a mediated model with moderation. Current Psychology, 2023(IF=2.8, SSCIQ2).

[4] Hou, Y. , Zhang, Y*(通讯作者). , Cao, X. , Lei, G. , & Liu, G. (2023). The association between perceived social support and resilience among Chinese university students: A moderated mediation model. Psychology in the Schools,1–17. https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.23122

[5] Zhang, Y., Abbas. S, Abbas, H S M, et al. A model of post-traumatic growth and stress reaction in China under COVID-19: A mediating instrument for trauma and disaster reduction[J]. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2023, 97: 104055(IF=5.3, SCIQ1).

[6] Wu Y, Luo M, Zhang, Y*(通讯作者). The power of (surreptitiously) mentioning your mentor's name: Subliminal priming of mentor's name modulates N170 responses to blurred faces. Biol Psychol. 2023 Jul 24;182:108649. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2023.108649(IF=2.6, SSCIQ2).

[7] Zhang, Y., Bian, Y., Wu, H*., Tang, W., Qi Li. Intuition or rationality: Impact of critical thinking dispositions on the cognitive processing of creative information. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 2023, 48: 101278.(IF=4.1, SSCIQ1) 引用次数:

[8] Zheng, M., Da, H., Pan, X., Bian, Y., Li, X., Xiao, Q., Qiu, M., Xiang, N., Zhu, D., Wei, Q., & Zhang, Y*(通讯作者). Dorsolateral prefrontal activation in depressed young adults with and without suicidal ideation during an emotional autobiographical memory task: A fNIRS study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2023, 326: 216-224. (IF=6.533, SCI&SSCIQ1)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2023.01.115 引用次数:

[9] Zhang, Y*(通讯作者), Li, L., Bian, Y., Li, X., Xiao, Q., Qiu, M., Xiang, N., Xu, F*., & Wang, P*. Theta-burst stimulation of TMS treatment for anxiety and  depression: A FNIRS study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2023, 325: 713-720. (IF=6.533, SCI&SSCIQ1)https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2023.01.062 引用次数:

[10] 张妍,王峥,罗娜,王小莹,李晓南*.失恋经历对爱情相关刺激注意偏向的影响:趋近还是回避?.心理发展与教育,2023(01):12-20.CSSCI

[11] 笪惠叶怡杏龚媛张妍(通讯作者).低收入家庭大学生就业状况及建议对策[J].中国就业,2023(02):44-46.DOI:10.16622/j.cnki.11-3709/d.2023.02.004.

[12] 曹晓晨,张妍.中小学生批判性思维测量工具及其培养路径福建基础教育研究,202318-11.

[13] Wu, Y., Luo, N., Zhang, Y*(通讯作者). Neural Mechanisms of Subliminal Mentor-Student Relationship Stimuli Processing: An ERP Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19, 2760.(IF=4.614, SSCIQ1)引用次数:

[14] Wu, H., Li, T., Peng, C., Yang, C., Bian, Y., Li, X., Zhang, Z*., Zhang, Y*(通讯作者). The right prefrontal cortex (PFC) can distinguish anxious depression from non-anxious depression: A promising functional near infrared spectroscopy study (fNIRS), Journal of Affective Disorders, 2022, 317, 319-328. (IF=6.533, SCI&SSCIQ1)引用次数:

[15] Yang, C., Zhang, T., Huang, K., Xiong, M., Liu, H., Wang, P.,* Zhang, Y*(通讯作者). (2022) Increased both cortical activation and functional connectivity after transcranial direct current stimulation in patients with post-stroke: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Front. Psychiatry 13:1046849. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.1046849. (IF=5.435, SSCIQ2)引用次数:

[16] Zhang, Y*(通讯作者); Li, X.; Guo, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Xu, F.; Xiang, N.; Qiu, M.; Xiao, Q.; Wang, P.; Shi, H. Dorsolateral Prefrontal Activation in Emotional Autobiographical Task in Depressed and Anxious College Students: An fNIRS Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 14335. https:// doi.org/10.3390/ijerph192114335 (IF=4.614, SSCIQ1)引用次数:1

[17] 廖友国,连榕,张妍,陈建文*.青少年与父母抑郁情绪的关系:交叉滞后分析.心理科学,2022,45(04):973-979.CSSCI

[18] 张赫男,边越然,王桂香,曹佳丽,王翠红,王午阳,巴图,张昊新,张妍*(通讯作者),任虹霖*.抑郁患者药物干预的功能性近红外光谱成像研究,心理学进展, 2022, 12(9), 3284-3292.

[19] Guo, Y., Zhang, H*., Xie, Y., Tian, X., Luo, N., Zhang, Y*(通讯作者). A Cross-Sectional Survey of National Chinese College Students’ Mental Status during COVID-19 Pandemic: Using a Compiled Stress Response Questionnaire. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 12079..(IF=4.614, SSCIQ1)引用次数:1

[20] Wu, Y., Luo, N., Zhang, Y*(通讯作者). Neural Mechanisms of Subliminal Mentor-Student Relationship Stimuli Processing: An ERP Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19, 2760.(IF=4.614, SSCIQ1)引用次数:

[21] Ren, J., Ren, H., Bian, Y., Yang, C., Wu, H., Li, X., Zhang, Y*(通讯作者)., Shi, H*. Stress response on behavioral response of university students during the peak period of COVID-19. Alpha Psychiatry. 2022;23(3):113-120.(IF=0.658, SSCIQ4)引用次数:1

[22] Zhong, Q., Lei, G., Wu, H., Wang, Z., Zhang, Y*(通讯作者)., Zhang, J., Xu, F., Zhang, Z*., Xiao, Q., Li, X., Shi, H*. Practical and psychological challenges faced by Wuhan graduates after COVID-19 was controlled. Journal of American College Health, 2022, 5.(IF=3.045, SSCIQ2)引用次数:2

[23] 任虹霖,边越然,张妍,邱敏,向念,吴慧芬*,肖强,李晓南*.不同睡眠质量大学生氧合血红蛋白的差异.中国学校卫生,2022,43(3):425-428.

[24] Zhang, Y*(通讯作者)., Cao, X., Aashiq, Xie, Y., Zhong, Q., Lei, G., Zhang, J., Xiao, Q.,Wang, G., Bian, Y., Xie, S., Huang, F. Psychological stress of university students in the hardest-hit areas at different stages of the COVID-19 epidemic. Children and Youth Services Review, 2021, 125:105980. (IF=2.858, SSCIQ1)引用次数:8

[25] Yasmin, F., Li, S.*, Zhang, Y*(通讯作者)., Poulova, P., Akbar, A. Unveiling the International Students’ Perspective of Service Quality in Chinese Higher Education Institutions. Sustainability, 2021, 13, 6008. (IF=3.473, SSCIQ2)引用次数:8

[26] Zhong, L., Rao, J., Wang, J., Li, F., Peng, Y., Liu, H., Zhang, Y*.(通讯作者), Wang, P*. Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation at Different Sites for Dysphagia After Stroke: A Randomized, Observer-Blind Clinical Trial .Frontiers in Neurology. 2021, 12:625683. (IF=4.321, SSCIQ2)引用次数:1

[27] Lei, G., Yang, C., Ge, Y., Zhang, Y*(通讯作者). Community workerssocial support and sleep quality during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Chain mediation model and gender differences. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 2021,23(1):119-138. (IF= 1.179, SSCIQ4)引用次数:5

[28] Zhang, Y*. (通讯作者), Luo, N., Hong, F., Yang, C., Xie Y*., Wu, J.*, Wang, G., Zhao, P., Chen, J., Aashiq,. K. Attractiveness-related recognition bias captures the memory of the beholder. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience,2020, 19(4), 629-639. (IF= 2.117, SSCIQ4)引用次数:4

[29] Wang, G., Zhang, Y*.(通讯作者), Xie, S., Wang, P*., Lei, G., Bian, Y., Huang, F., Zhang, J., Cao, X., Luo, N., Luo, M., Xiao, Q. Psychological Typhoon Eye Effect During the COVID-19 Outbreak. Frontiers in Public Health, 2020, 8:550051. (IF= 6.002, SSCIQ1)引用次数:8

[30] Zhang, Y*.(通讯作者), Xie, S., Wang, P*., Wang, G., Zhang, L*., Cao, X., Bian, Y., Huang, F., Luo, N., Luo, M., Xiao, Q. Factors Influencing Mental Health of Medical Workers During the COVID-19 Outbreak. Frontiers in Public Health, 2020, 8:491. (IF= 6.002, SSCIQ1)引用次数:1

[31] Zhang, Y*.(通讯作者), Cao, X., Wang, P*., Wang, G., Lei, G., Shou, Z*., Xie, S., Huang, F., Luo, N., Luo, M., Bian, Y., Zhang, J., Xiao, Q. Emotional “inflection point” in public health emergencies with the 2019 new coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) in China. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2020, 276 (1):797-803.(IF=6.533, SCI&SSCIQ1)引用次数:19

[32] Wu, W., Zhang, Y*.(通讯作者), Wang, P*., Zhang, L*., Wang, G., Lei, G., Xiao, Q., Cao, X., Bian, Y., Xie, S., Huang, F., Luo, N., Zhang, J., Luo, M. Psychological stress of medical staffs during outbreak of COVID-19 and adjustment strategy. Journal of Medical Virology. 2020,1-9.(IF=20.693, SCIQ1, ESI149次,高被引论文)引用次数:151

[33] Kong, F*., Zhang, H., Xia, H., Huang, B., Qin, J., Zhang, Y.*(通讯作者) , Sun, X., & Zhou, Z.Why Do People With Self-Control Forgive Others Easily? The Role of Rumination and Anger. Frontiers in Psychology, 2020, 11: 129.(IF=4.232, SSCIQ1)引用次数:6

[34] Kong, F*., Tang,F., Zhang,H., Zhang,Y*(通讯作者) . Does Downward Social Comparisons Affect Mobile Phone Addiction? Narcissism Matters! Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science, 2020: 136.

[35] Zhang, Y(通讯作者)., Xiang, Y., Guo., Y, Zhang, L. Beauty-related perceptual bias: Who captures the mind of the beholder? Brain and Behavior. 2018;e00945.(IF= 2.230, SCI&SSCIQ3)引用次数:2

[36] Zhao, G., Zhang, Y.,(通讯作者)., Kong, F. Internet Use Influences Self-Related Process: Evidence From Behavior and ERPs. Frontiers in psychology,2018, 9:2597. (IF= 2.820, SSCIQ1)引用次数:2

[37] Zhang, Y.(通讯作者), Wang, X., Wang, J., Zhang, L., Xiang, Y. Patterns of eye movements when observers judge female facial attractiveness. Frontiers in psychology,2017, 8:1909. (IF= 2.820, SSCIQ2)

[38] Fakhra, Y., Akbar A., Zhang, Y. (通讯作者). An Exploration of Learning Styles Preferences of Higher Education Students in Pakistan. International Journal of Learning and Development, 2016, 6 (4): 49-59.

[39] Zhang, Y.(通讯作者), Wei, B., Zhao, P., Zheng M., Zhang L. Gender differences in memory processing of female facial attractiveness: evidence from event-related potentials. Neurocase, 2016, 22(3):317-323. (IF= 1.124, SCI&SSCIQ4)

[40] Zhang, Y.(通讯作者), Zheng M., Wang X. Effects of Facial Attractiveness on Personality Stimuli in an Implicit Priming Task: An ERP Study, Neurological Research, 2016, 38(8): 685-691. (IF= 2.401, SCI&SSCIQ3)

[41] Zhang, Y., Kong, F., Hasan, A. N., Jackson, T., Chen, H. Recognition memory bias in earthquake-exposed survivors: A behavioral and ERP study. Neuropsychobiology, 2015,71(2):70-75. (IF= 2.303, SCI&SSCIQ3)

[42] Zhang, Y., Kong, F., Han, L., Hasan, A. N., Chen, H. Attention bias in earthquake-exposed survivors: An event-related potential study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2014, 94(3): 358–364. (IF= 2.648, SSCIQ1 & SCIQ1)

[43] Zhang, Y.(通讯作者), Kong, F., Zhong Y, Kou H. Personality manipulations: Do they modulate facial attractiveness ratings? Personality and Individual Differences, 2014,70(11):80–84. (IF= 2.359, SSCIQ2)

[44] Zhang, Y., Kong, F., Chen, H., Jackson, T., Han, L., Meng, J., Yang, Z., Gao, J., Hasan, A. N. Identifying cognitive preferences for attractive female faces: An ERP experiment using a study-test paradigm. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 2011,89(11):1887–1893. (IF=3.151, SCIQ2) 

[45] Zhang, Y., Kong, F., Wang, L., Chen, H., Gao, X., Tan, X., Chen, H., Lv, J., & Liu, Y. Mental health and coping styles of children and adolescent survivors one year after the 2008 Chinese earthquake, Children and Youth Services Review, 2010, 32(10): 1403-1409. (IF=1.337, SSCIQ1)

[46] Kong, F., Zhang, Y., Chen, H. Inhibition Ability of Food Cues between Successful and Unsuccessful Restrained Eaters: A Two-Choice Oddball Task. Plos ONE, 2015,4.  (IF=3.534, SCIQ2)

[47] Kong, F., Zhang, Y., (同为第一作者) Tian Y. Self-relevant beauty evaluation: Evidences from an event-related potentials study, Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 2015,14(1):85-95. (IF=1.193, SSCI & SCIQ4)

[48] Kong, F., Zhang, Y., (同为第一作者) You, Z., Fan, C., Tian, Y., Zhou, Z. Body dissatisfaction and restrained eating: Mediating effects of self-esteem. Social behavior and personality, 2013, 41(7), 1165-1170. (IF=.959, SSCI & SCIQ4)

[49] Kong, F., Zhang, Y., (同为第一作者) Chen, H. The construct validity of the Restraint Scale among mainland Chinese women. Eating Behaviors, 2013,14: 356-360. (IF=2.156, SSCI & SCIQ2)

[50] Kong, F., Zhang, Y., (同为第一作者) Chen, H. ERP differences between processing of physical characteristics and personality attributes. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 2012,8:49-58.  (IF=2.385, SSCI & SCIQ3)

[51] Han, L., Zhang, Y., Zheng, Y. Responses over time of child and adolescent survivors to the 2008 Wenchuan, China earthquake, Social Behavior and Personality, 2012,40(7):1147-1152. (IF=.959, SSCI & SCIQ4)

[52] Huang, S.R., Zhang, Y. (通讯作者). Relations of the Subject Well-being, Self-efficacy and the Academic Achievement of College Students. 2013 3rd International Conference on Applied Social Science (ICASS 2013). January 15-16, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan. (CPCI-SSH (ISHHP)检索)

[53] Huang, S.R., Zhang, Y. (通讯作者). Effect on shaping positive behavior of group counseling in earthquake-exposed college students. International Conference on Psychology, Management and Social Science (PMSS 2013).January 23-24, 2013, Shenzhen, China. (CPCI-SSH (ISHHP)检索)

[54] Kong, F., Zhang, Y., (同为第一作者) & Chen, H. The self-reference effect in evaluating physical and inner ugliness: An event related-potential study. The 2012 Ninth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'12). May 29-31, 2012, Chongqing, China . (EI ISTP检索).

[55] Wei, B., Zhang, Y. (同为第一作者). Event-related potentials (ERPs) to gender differences in encoding processing for female facial attractiveness. The 9th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'12), IEEE Explore. May 29-31, 2012, Chongqing, China .page 2675-2678. (EI ISTP检索).

[56] Wei, B., Li B., Zhang, Y. (通讯作者). Electrophysiological correlates of processing visual target stimuli during a visual oddball paradigm: an ERP study. The 2nd International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Information Systems, Computing, and Management. December 8-9, 2012, Hangzhou, China. (EI检索).

[57] Wang, D., An, N., Zhang, Y. (通讯作者). The Investigation and Analysis of University Graduates’ Employment Anxiety. 2014 4rd International Conference on Applied Social Science (ICASS 2014). March20,2014,Singapore. (CPCI-SSH (ISHHP)检索)



[1] 张妍,王峥,罗娜,王小莹,李晓南. 失恋经历对爱情相关刺激注意偏向的影响:趋近还是回避?[J/OL]. 心理发展与教育,2023(01):12-20[2022-09-14].https://doi.org/10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.01.02.

[2] 张妍,孔繁昌,陈红,向燕辉,高笑,陈敏燕.男性对女性面孔吸引力的认知偏好:来自 ERP 的证据.心理学报, 2010, 42(11):1060-1072.

[3] 张妍, 张丽丽,孔繁昌. “内在”与“外在”谁更加重要?——相貌与人格词汇认知加工的眼动研究.心理学探新,2017,37(2):149-154.

[4] 张妍,王小莹,孔繁昌.地震亲历者对情绪面孔的认知加工:威胁性刺激的启动效应.中国特殊教育,2016,10:47-56.

[5] 张丽丽,张妍(通讯作者).微笑影响面孔吸引力判断的眼动研究,心理学探新,2016,36(1):13-17.

[6] 张妍, 张丽丽.择偶偏好的生物学、心理与行为及社会性影响因素综述.中国青年研究,2016(8):97-102.

[7] 张妍, 郑敏晓.面孔吸引力观察者参照:“角度效应”的眼动研究.心理与行为研究,2016,14(4):459-464.

[8] 张妍, 赵佩琼,孔繁昌,赵黎妮.面部特征对卡通面孔吸引力的影响.心理与行为研究,2015,13(6):751-757.

[9] 张妍, 赵佩琼,孔繁昌,张悦.不同生理周期女性对男性吸引力面孔的注意偏向.中国心理卫生杂志,2015,29(2):125-129.

[1] 张妍,谭小宏,黄素蓉,张琪,孔繁昌,郭英.领悟社会支持在灾区大学抑郁焦虑与心理控制源间的中介效应.中国学校卫生,2014, 35(4):65-67

[10] 张妍.从灾难中走来,在创伤中成长——5·12地震灾后群体创伤心理的研究.中国社会科学报(约稿),2014,11,3,B01:1-2.

[11] 张妍,孔繁昌,韩黎,石明莉,陈红.中学生与大学生地震亲历者对威胁性刺激记忆偏向的比较研究.心理发展与教育, 2012 (2): 52-60.

[12] 张妍,孔繁昌,梁超,郭英.吸毒劳教学员对亲密关系信息的认知加工特征.中国心理卫生杂志,2012,26(1):57-60.

[13] 寇慧,苏艳华,张妍,孔繁昌,胡媛艳,陈红,王洋.面孔吸引力的影响因素:观察者假设.心理科学进展,2013,21(11):1-10.

[14] 孔繁昌,张妍(同为第一作者),陈红,石明丽,Todd Jackson,高笑.限制性饮食者对食物线索的认知偏向:行为和脑机制的证据.心理科学进展,2011,19(9): 1355–1362.

[15] 孔繁昌,张妍,陈红.自我-他人表征:共享表征还是特异表征?心理科学进展,2010,18(8):1263-1268.

[16] 张妍,向燕辉,郑涌,吕建国,尹茜,陈寒. 5·12地震前后灾区大学生生命价值观比较.心理科学进展,2009,17(3):505-510.



[1] 孔繁昌,张妍,周宗奎.自我-他人表征的发展特征与研究范式苏州大学学报(教育科学版),2014(3):48-53. 人大复印资料全文转载

[2] 黄素蓉,张妍,西部地区“00 青少年选秀文化态度研究.中国教育学刊,2013,S4:5-6.

[3] 周蜀溪,郭英,张妍.小学生情感能力结构模型的建构及其问卷编制.现代中小学教育,2013,(9):82-86.

[4] 郭英,谢雨菲,张妍. 积极心理治疗在灾后心理辅导中的应用. 现代预防医学,2013,(40)7:1289-1291.

[5] 孙亚蜀,张妍,任俊.内隐学习的应用研究及其对体育教学的启示.中国特殊教育,2013,152(2):92-96.

[6] 黄素蓉,张妍,高晓东.四川地区普高生与职高生自尊与应对方式研究.教育与职业,2013,768(20):70-71.

[7] 张妍,孔繁昌,郭英,任俊,陈红.内隐还是外显记忆: 对女性面孔吸引力记忆偏好的ERP研究.北京大学学报.自然科学版,2012,48(1):160-168.

[8] 韩黎,张妍,郑涌.基于文化的心理复原力研究.心理学探新,2012,32(3):195-198.

[9] 郭英,张妍.海洛因成瘾者对吸毒线索图片认知偏向的实验研究.四川师范大学学报(社会科学版),2012,39(5):124-128.

[10] 张妍,许芳,孔繁昌,权珍桢.震后不同时期灾区初中生身心健康与应对方式特点.中国学校卫生,2011,32(3):294-296.

[11] 张妍,韩黎,孔繁昌,许芳.积极心理学视角下感恩与幸福感关系研究述评.教育导刊,2011,461(3):22-26.

[12] 张妍,向燕辉,谭小宏,陈寒,任俊,权珍桢,刘锡玲,尹茜,王金霞.地震灾区大学生不同时间段焦虑影响因素分析.中国公共卫生杂志.2010,26(2):131-132.

[13] 张妍,孔繁昌,权珍桢,刘志强.职校学生生活事件与应付方式的调查研究.职业技术教育,2010,31(11):83-86.

[14] 张妍,孔繁昌,许芳,向燕辉,谭小宏,陈红,杨帆,任俊.地震对四川灾区初中生人格发展的影响.中国特殊教育,2010,119(5):65-72.

[15] 张妍,孔繁昌,吴建芳,王洲林,陈寒. 积累、改革、实践——教学名师成长历程的个案分析.现代教育科学.高教研究,2010, 4 (7):93-96.

[16] 张妍,孔繁昌,权珍桢,许芳.地震灾区大学生生命价值观与自杀态度的调查分析.中华行为医学与脑科学,2010,19(7):641-643.

[17] 张妍,向燕辉.对师生关系与学生心理健康关系几个问题的研究.教育探索,2008,210(12):126-127.



[1] 洪菲菲; 张妍.大学生的社会适应:基于自我建构理论的视角.陕西青年职业学院学报,2018.8

[2] 李琪,洪菲菲,张妍.电视选秀节目对西部大学生价值观的影响[J].广西职业技术学院学报,2018,11(02):97-100.

[3] 张妍,洪菲菲,向玉,张丽丽.负面相貌自我在大学生自尊与成人依恋间的中介效应[J].石家庄学院学报,2017,19(6):118-123.

[4] 王小莹,张妍(通讯作者).中学生合作学习效果评价问卷的编制及信效度检验[J]. 和田师范专科学校学报,2017,36(05):32-36.

[5] 王小莹,张妍(通讯作者).大学生情绪智力对心理韧性的影响及应对方式的中介作用.长春教育学院学报,2017,33(9):47-51.

[6] 王小莹,张丽丽,张妍(通讯作者).高校学术生态视域下的师生关系. 教师教育论坛,2017,30(05):25-29.

[7] 张妍,王小莹.大学生依恋与依赖型生涯抉择的关系研究. 牡丹江师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版),2017,(02):136-140.

[8] 张妍,王小莹,李川文.师源性心理伤害及其预防对策.湖北教育.新班主任,2015,11.

[9] 张妍,张丽丽.叙事心理治疗在失独者哀伤心理辅导中的应用.社会心理科学,2015,Z2(3):31-33

[10] 张妍,孔繁昌,权珍桢,汪维.浅谈羌民族灾后心理自我修复中的集体潜意识.社会心理科学,2010,25(3):50-53.

[11] 张妍,孔繁昌,舒勃桥,向燕辉,陈红.地震灾区大学生生活质量与自杀态度的调查研究.心理研究, 2010,3(3)83-88.

[12] 孔繁昌,张妍,周宗奎.自我-他人表征的发展特征与研究范式.苏州大学学报(教育科学版)(人大复印资料全文转载),2014,3:48-53.

[13] 权珍桢,张妍(通讯作者),冯芳,王燚可. 动作疗法在灾后心理康复中的运用.社会心理科学,2010,25(8):121-124.

[14] 黄素蓉,张妍.教学设计的内涵、特征及其发展趋势.重庆与世界,2010,13:84-86.

[15] 陈寒,秦雯,张妍.小学教师能力素质结构的研究述评.绵阳师范学院学报,2010,10:110-114.

[16] 陈寒,曾玉君,张妍.“5.12”地震灾区志愿者的人格和心理健康研究.绵阳师范学院学报,2010,12:94-98+115.

[17] 张妍,向燕辉.小学心理健康教育课程中情感教育的探究. 教育实践与研究(小学版),2009,12:7-11.

[18] 张妍,向燕辉,吴亚丽,尹茜,刘丽英.5.12地震前后灾区大学生生命价值取向探析.社会心理研究,2009,78(2):27-33.

[19] 张妍,吕培瑶,刘志强.成都某小学女教师心理健康的调查研究及维护措施.四川教育学院学报,2006,22(154):8-10.

[20] 张妍,吕培瑶.试析情感教育在中小学学校教育中的重要地位.基础教育改革.教育纵横,2006,4:402-418.

[21] 张妍,刘志强.内隐学习的应用研究对教育教学的启示.历史的使命——21世纪中国教育的突破与创新.黑龙江人民出版社,2006,4:725.

[22] 唐瑾,张妍.美国高校人才培养的历史特征探析.荆门职业技术学院学报,2008,23(10):51-53.

[23] 吕培瑶,张妍.中专生自尊、应对方式与生活事件的研究.科技资讯,2006,6:15-16.

[24] 吕培瑶,张妍. 学校心理学创新实践课程体系的开发与建设,长春教育学院学报,2013,29(3):91,99.

[25] 李丽,张妍.音乐疗法在抑郁儿童情绪自愈中的作用.绵阳师范学院学报,2010,6





