·Student Information

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李尚元, 2019学硕, 2021获国家奖学金
Release time:2022-05-16  Hits:

Duration of Study: 2019-2022

Employment Status: 北京大学计算机系攻读博士学位

Major: Control Science and Engineering

Personal Profile: [1] 获得“硕士研究生国家奖学金”, 2021. [2] 获得“中国仪器仪表学会二等奖学金”, 2021. [3] 获得“华中科技大学研究生一等学业奖学金”, 2021. [4] 获得“华中科技大学三好研究生”, 2021.

Degree: Master's degree

Current Status: Graduated

Student ID: M201972616

Date of Registration: 2019-09-01

Date of Graduation: 2022-06-30