Hong Zhu

·Research Projects

Current position: 英文主页 > Scientific Research > Research Projects
Release time:2018-02-28  Hits:

Affiliation of Participant(s): 华中科技大学

Leading Scientist: 朱虹

Supported by: 科技部

Type of Research Outcome: 高安全等级数据库管理系统研究报告、原型系统、第三方测试报告

Nature of Project: 863 Information technology

Supported by: The 863 Program

Project Participants: 朱虹,冯玉才,曹忠升,谢美意,左琼

Project Number: 2006AA02Z430

Classification of Disciplines: Engineering

First-Level Discipline: Computer Science and Technology

Date of Project Approval: 2006-12-01

Date of Project Completion: 2008-12-31