Scientific Research
Since 2004, our lab engaged in the study of gas relaxation and ultrasonic gas detection, and in recent years, domestic research in this field almost from our team. We use not only the monte carlo and analog circuit but also a variety of computer simulation to study gas relaxation. The theory put forward by analytical model fits very well with the foreign theoretical model and experimental data (including CH4, N2, CO2) , and this theory laid the foundation for the study of other kind of light hydrocarbon gas with relaxation theory model . Decomposition of coupling analytical model of the solution and composite model has analyzed relatively clearly the gas molecular vibrational relaxation, and laid the foundation for subsequent hydrogen molecular research of rotational relaxation. We have proposed a method of wavelet transform and support vector machine (SVM) to extract gas component information spectrogram , and a smoothing algorithm of 0.01% precision as relaxation of weak gas concentration detection, that made it possible to extract information from the measured absorption hydrogen relaxation, solve the problem of natural gas pipeline in high voltage low frequency effect . Also we proposed one method to detect quaternary mixed gas composition with sound speed, sound absorption, relaxation frequency, at the same time that laid a foundationfor for ultrasonic detection problem in super multivariate mixed gas. Moreover we put forward that without gas density but only two frequency point can reconstruct gas main relaxation process and one gas detection method based on ultrasonic wave peaks. Above all promotes it to be practical in monitoring the mixing of hydrogen gas components with ultrasonic method.
[1] Three-wavelength optical sensor for measuring distributed mass concentrations of aerosols from stationary sources.Optics Express.2021,29
[2] Aversatile acoustic gas sensing method via extracting intrinsic molecular internal specific heat.Physics Letters A.2021,401
[3] Locating the inflection point of frequency-dependent velocity dispersion by acoustic relaxation to identify gas mixtures.Measurement Science and Technology.2020,31(8)
[4] Decoupling Multiple Rotational Relaxations of Hydrogen to Detect Gas Mixtures.IEEE ACCESS
[5] 朱明.Capturing the molecular multimode relaxation processes in excitable gases based on decomposition of acoustic relaxation spectra
[1] 基于声速频散的多元混合气体浓度场成像方法研究, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)-2024-12-31, 国家自然科学基金面
[2] 城市火灾、爆炸与综合管廊事故灾害的高自适应感知装备及灾害源定位技术, National Key Technologies R&D Program-2023-09-30, 国家重点研发计划
[3] 基于音频信号的天然气站场故障智能诊断及泄露监测研究, Enterprises and institutions shall entrust scientific and technological projects-2021-12-31, 中石油管道有限责任公司科技项目
[4] GIS设备交接验收及运行阶段机械状态检测与诊断技术研究, Enterprises and institutions shall entrust scientific and technological projects-2021-12-31, 国家电网科技项目
[5] 基于声学振动信号的高压并联电抗器缺陷检测技术及诊断方法研究, Enterprises and institutions shall entrust scientific and technological projects-2021-12-31, 国家电网科技项目