ZUO Duluo

·Paper Publications

Current position: 英文主页 > Scientific Research > Paper Publications
Kinetic simulation of discharge excited ArF excimer laser and parameter analysis
Release time:2018-09-26  Hits:

Indexed by: Journal paper

Document Code: 081006

First Author: 罗时文

Correspondence Author: 左都罗

Co-author: 罗时文; 左都罗; 王新兵

Journal: High Power Laser and Particle Beams

Affiliation of Author(s): Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics

Document Type: J

Volume: 27

Issue: 8

Page Number: 081006-01-081006-06

ISSN No.: 1001-4322

Date of Publication: 2015-08-15

Abstract: A one-dimensional fluid model is used to investigate the kinetics of discharge excited ArF excimer laser. Voltage-current waveforms of the gas discharge process coupling with the discharge circuit are obtained. Temporal-spatial evolution of electron number density, photon number density and electric field are obtained and influence of discharge parameters on the laser output is analyzed. The results show that circuit parameters, pressure and fluorine gas ratio all have significant influence on laser output. The inductance has little influence on the output which result in a large parameter set

Links to published journals: http://www.hplpb.com.cn/CN/10.11884/HPLPB201527.081006