Paper Publications
Application of Parabolic Reflector on Raman Analysis of Gas Samples
Release time:2018-09-26 Hits:
Indexed by:Essay collection
Document Code:98550A
First Author:Yu, Anlan
Correspondence Author:Zuo, Duluo
Co-author: Anlan; Zuo, Duluo; Gao, Jun; Li, Bin; Wang, Xingbing
Journal:Proceedings of SPIE
Affiliation of Author(s):Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics
Place of Publication:USA
First-Level Discipline:Other specialties in Optical Engineering
Document Type:C
ISSN No.:0277-786X
Date of Publication:2016-05-12
Abstract:Studies on the application of a parabolic reflector in spontaneous Raman scattering for low background Raman analysis of gas samples are reported. As an effective signal enhancing sample cell, photonic bandgap fiber (HC-PBF) or metal-lined capillary normally result in a strong continuous background in spectra caused by the strong Raman/fluorescence signal from the silica wall and the polymer protective film. In order to obtain enhanced signal with low background, a specially designed sample cell with double-pass and large collecting solid angle constructed by a parabolic reflector and ...
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