Wei Guo

·Research Projects

Current position: 英文主页 > Scientific Research > Research Projects
  • [1] 4. 日本文部科学省科研费,22360263,Intrinsic nanoscale inhomogeneity in metallic glass and its relation to mechanical properties,2010/10-2012/03,1900万日元,已结题,参与,
  • [2] 3. 日本学术振兴会科研费,23656422,Preparation and application of nanoporous metals by using dealloying in a metallic melt,2011/04-2013/03,390万日元,已结题,参与,
  • [3] 2. 日本东北大学尖端交叉科学推进基金,Fundamental science of random atomic packing and development of new materials,2015/10-2016/03, 1000万日元,已结题,参与,
  • [4] 1. 华中科技大学人才引进基金,2018/01-2020/12,50万元,在研,主持,
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