Wenjun Hu

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Current position: 英文主页 >Personal Information

Now I am an Associated Professor of College of Life Science and Technology at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology. My research interest is focused on the applications of nanophotonics for bioanalytical and biomedical devices using plasmonic/dielectric metasurfaces, microfluidics, nanofabrication, and data analysis. Nanophotonics excels at confining light into nanoscale optical mode volumes and generating strongly enhanced light matter interactions. Through engineered structures, nanophotonics can manipulate light in ways that are not possible to achieve with diffraction limited optics and natural materials. The unique nano-scale effects have been unveiling a plethora of fundamentally new optical phenomena, yet an important issue ahead for the field is the development of novel devices and applications for broader impact.  I have published papers in journals such as Advanced Functional Materials, PNAS, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Cell Death and Disease, etc.