基于ILOS 的欠驱船舶循迹控制
Release time:2024-10-17
- Indexed by:
- Journal paper
- First Author:
- 瞿洋
- Correspondence Author:
- 徐海祥
- Co-author:
- 余文曌,闻青
- Journal:
- 武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版)
- Affiliation of Author(s):
- 武汉理工大学交通学院
- Volume:
- 40
- Issue:
- 5
- Page Number:
- 834-838
- DOI number:
- 10.3963/j.issn.2095-3844.2016.05.015
- Date of Publication:
- 2016-11-10
- Pre One:Hang Wan, Zhongwei Sun, Gongsheng Huang, Xinhua Xu*, Jinghua Yua. (2019). Calculation of the maximum moisture buffering thickness of building wall layer of hygroscopic material, Building and Environment, Vol.160:106-173
- Next One:Jiangming Yang, Huijun Wu, Xinhua Xu, Gongsheng Huang, Tao Xu, Sitong Guo. (2019). Numerical and experimental study on the thermal performance of aerogel insulating panels for building energy efficiency, Renewable Energy, Vol.138:445-457.