I got my PhD degree in Newcastle University and worked in Oxford University, HUAWEI before joining HUST. My research interests are deep learning, computer vision and computational imaging, the main applications are industrial defect detection, measurement and instrumentation. These researches are funded by NSFC, EPSRC, and enterprises. I have co-authored more than 30 academic papers and 1 book ...details>
Lecturer (higher education)
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Department:School of Artifical Intelligence and Automation
Research Focus
Social Affiliations
2021/7-NowSession co-chair, IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2021)
2019/3-NowIEEE Member
2016/3-NowIEEE Transactions on (Industrial Electronics\Industrial Informatics\Instrumentation and Measurement\Mechatronics\Communications)等多个期刊审稿人
Education Experience
2011/9-2015/6 Southwest University   Bachelor's Degree |  Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree) 
2015/9-2018/11 Newcastle University   Doctoral Degree in Philosophy |  Postgraduate (Doctoral) |  UK 
2016/6-2016/7 Cambridge University, UK   With Certificate of Graduation for Associate College Study 
Work Experience
2020/12-Now School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation | Huazhong University of Science and Technology  | 讲师 
2020/7-2020/12 2012实验室 | HUAWEI  | 高级工程师  | Shenzhen, China 
2018/11-2020/4 Newcastle University; University of Oxford  | Post-Doc 
- 1.Chaoqing Tang.Efficient Fault Detection on Composite Materials with Segmentation-oriented Compressed Sensing.IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics.2020
- 2.C. Tang.Feature-supervised Compressed Sensing for Microwave Imaging Systems.IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and measurement.2020
- 3.A. I. Sunny.Temperature Independent Defect Monitoring using RFID Sensing System.IEEE Sensors Journal.2019
- 4.K. Li.AR aided Smart Sensing for In-line Condition Monitoring of IGBT Power Semiconductor Wafer.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.2019
- 5.J. Wu.Study of rotating magnet array-based motion-induced eddy current thermography.IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.2018
- 6.J. Wu.Motion-induced eddy current thermography for high-speed inspection.AIP Advances.2017