伍文杰   Associate professor

伍文杰,男,华中学者、华中科技大学物理学院博导 、副教授,Microsystems & Nanoengineering (Nature子刊、一区) 青年编辑,Space Habitation青年编辑,IOP Trusted Reviewer,CGT2024组织委员会成员、专题负责人、召集人,光电子光子材料与器件学术会议学术委员,自然科学基金委函评专家。近五年作为负责人主持深地国家科技重大专项课题(4000万)、工信部高质量发展专项子课题(500万)、深地国家科技重大专项专题(300...Detials

A method for improving out-of-plane robustness of an area-changedcapacitive displacement transducer used in a micro-accelerometer

Release time:2020-06-09  Hits:

  • Indexed by:Journal paper
  • Correspondence Author:Wu Wenjie,Tu Liangcheng
  • Co-author:Yan Shitao,LIU HUAFENG,Xu Qiangwei,Liu Dandan,Zhang Mengqi
  • Journal:Sensors and Actuators A: Physical
  • Included Journals:SCI、SSCI
  • Discipline:Engineering
  • First-Level Discipline:Electronic Science And Technology
  • Document Type:J
  • Volume:312
  • Issue:1
  • Key Words:Out-of-plane robustness Area-changed capacitive displacementtransducer On-chip capacitorMicro-celerometer MEMS
  • DOI number:10.1016/j.sna.2020.112156
  • Date of Publication:2020-07-09
  • Impact Factor:2.904
  • Abstract:tArea-changed capacitive displacement transducers have been widely applied in micro-electro-mechanical-system (MEMS) sensors such as sandwich-type MEMS accelerometers to detect in-planedisplacement with a high sensitivity. The cross-axis disturbance could result in out-of-plane displacementof the proof mass, which brings a gap variation of sensing capacitor electrodes and lead to an undesirablevariation of the accelerometer’s scale factor. In order to solve this problem, this paper presents a novelmethod to improve out-of-plane robustness of an Area-changed capacitive displacement transducer in aMEMS accelerometer. An on-chip capacitor, sensitive to the out-of-plane displacement of proof mass, wasintegrated as the feedback capacitor of the charge amplifier. Thus, the influence of the out-of-plane dis-placement on the scale factor caused by cross-axis disturbance is compensated. The method was verifiedby theoretical calculation, simulation and experiments. The results indicated that the cross-sensitivityof the MEMS accelerometer with an on-chip feedback capacitor was less than 1/3 of that with off-chipfeedback capacitor when acceleration was applied on the out-of-plane direction. Besides, the noise floorof the accelerometer maintained at 60 ng/√Hz regardless of the on-chip or off-chip feedback capacitors.